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Robina Farms received a Social Social Social Arms – Free Stages

Manila, in the Philippines – Important travel of animal welfare of the Philippines, Robina Farms earn a dominant certificate from a state animal (AKF).

This action reflects the company’s commitment to the farming methods and set up the standard of complying with the local chicken industry.

AkF guarantees two chicken houses for robina farms housing 4 and 6 on 1 farm on 1 farm in Naic, Cavite. Both of these houses have 20,000 heads and are estimated to produce about 5 million eggs per year.

Certificate of Certificate referred to egg production of eggs

Robina Farms Operations Lina Macailing, thanks AkF of this certificate. He said their housing housing in neighboring areas symbolize their willingness to change and change animal development and respond to consumer search.

According to the Operations Cluster Head Marlon Balverde, strategies continue to grow the production of cage eggs, following this certificate.

CAGA-Free eggs from the ranks of raisins and maintained eggs in accordance with the non-gardening levels called “cupcakes.” This production program allows for eggs to end open, including their wings, and perform natural duties to them as dusty domains, perching, five-ordered domains of animal welfare.

Free Co-Credit Certificate We confirm the diagnosis of the National Standards (PNS) Cocksords Cocksords These Standards provide the requirements of the poultry needs to find adequate location and high places. Standards are placed as basic-free farms of free farms in good egg hens

Painting the welfare of the animals and moral strength

By obtaining a local certificate, consumers can once again hope their eggs from a well-being of disasters. They are protected from false conditions as they can confirm if the source is certified by the CAGE-Free.

Atty. Heidi Caguia, President and Director of AkF, said Robina Farms’ passed to production of cage-free eggs as one of the industrial leaders who were persuasive other farms to follow a suit. By taking a courageous but better step in changing egg production to improve the welfare of the animal, Robina farms offered a stable, moral plan.

Atty. Caguio added that the switching of cage-free eggs was part of the globe part of the human farming program and dietary food products. As many consumers choose the facilitative food in Asia, AKF has commenced a good campaign to ensure that manufacturers, food centers, and hospitality.

Robina farms set a solid example for other local manufacturers to follow by prioritizing animal bowls and conforming worldwide food levels. This certificate does not only emphasize their dedication to improve farming methods, but also enables consumers to make more informed, intelligent decisions.

Since proper dietary demands continue to increase, Robina farm supports in the production of cage-free egg production which promises in a stable food system and empathetic in the Philippines.


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