Thousands Rally in Downtown Los Angeles, blocking 101 road to protest Trump Image policies

Thousands of overseers gathered at Downtown Los Angeles Sunday and closed the 101 freeway to protest the President Trump President for illegal immigration and his actual relief services.
Mexico and Salvadoran flags, overseers gathered near the city hall shortly before the spring and the temple, among the turn horns, among the solidar messages from car drivers. Protesters burst into the Mexican music musical compilation of Mexico and a modern-day from the Sandis, and some danced on the street in traditional native matters.
Protesters met on the Alameda Onspasw Road in the 101 world against President Trump’s Policies on Sunday.
(Brian van der brug / los angeles Times)
Trump has announced the southern border and issued the Flurry of high orders aimed at reviewing the national immigration system and promise to discuss millions of unregistered people. Protesters told The Times that they were such acts that moved them to stay in town.
1 The number of protesters Presolved several thousands of signs mentioned, “Maga – Mexico remained in”; “Don’t bite your hand,” referring to Kingdom workers; And “I drink my Horchata warm because the Fed,” US Lamiation Reference and Customs Enforce Agency.
Protesters met in Alameda and 101 Freeway to indicate the President’s Exile Policy on Downton Los Angeles. (Brian van der brug / los angeles Times)
Nailah Esparza, 18, said that he was his first protest and that he learned about it about last week from Tiktok videos. He caught a sign in Spanish read, “no more fear of snow, there is no fear, we want justice, and a better person.”
“It was actually the most important thing, so we decided to show support, because of the youth,” said Esparza, a Mexican American. “We look forward to here.”

Thousands of protests gathered Sunday in Downtown Los Angeles to show the rights to arrive.
(Brian van der brug / los angeles Times)
One protester alone only revealed when Rey was concerned, “caca!
“We thought we were done by his handling,” Rey said, a Mexican American. “And now we should do this again.”
The demonstration was very peaceful, for some edge sellers who use the time of salary hot dogs, ice cream, the bira and the Patron Tequila shooting.
But things have already quarreled when the silver Mustang driver begin making donuts at a very busy convention near City Hall. Soon, a few police vehicles arrived as many protesters entered the nearby highway, and hundreds filled with full flags, flags, flags, and holding signs.
But the police – very young – did not meet the overseers, just as crowds were made in the male. Part of the freeway near the 110 Freeway Interchange was closed around and day and closed after 4 PM, officials said.
The Los Angeles police spokesman Tony Im said no arrests had been made or injury to the city streets related to protests. Im said the department was “adequately designed to manage protests but refused to clarify the information on employees.

Protesters gathered weekly in 101 freeway talks ascending while others blocked free traffic.
(Brian van der brug / los angeles Times)
Short term after taking free boat, the aroma of burning tires are hanged into the air such as trucks and motorcycles when they make cheisy and cameras without noise car cameras, helekopta cameras.
Promising a great deal of effort to be deported in US history, Trump, in his first days in the office, he announced the National Emergency on the south, using the troops there.
The executive orders are highly balanced in the United States of Entry in the US, the bolster is to enforce the boundary, and promote the fury of the fury to navigate and issue people who live in the United States illegally. Some of the commandments have been challenged in court, and lawyers say that others may be quick.
There are approximately 11 to 15 million migrants in the US, including two million in California.
Including people who illegally crossing the border, people who have grown their visas and people asked for asylum. It does not include foreigners under various temporary programs, or temporary protection, which gives people the right to life and work temporarily or conflict.
Human Resources Human Resources Staff Garrison and Rebecca Plevin contributed to this report.

Many of the protests marched at 101 of the freeway in the Downtown Los Angeles a week while others looked over.
(Brian van der brug / los angeles Times)
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