Bank Bank Growths Marketing Top 2 Years

Bank Bank in December Expanded with its fast speed in two years, first data from Bangko Sentko Sentkini Ng Pepipinas (BSP) displayed.
The outstanding banking of the Universal and Commercial Banks jumped in 12,2% per year to P13.1 trillion in December from P11.7 trillion at the same time in 2023.
This was a quick growth loans in two years or since 13.7% recorded in December 2022.
On the basis of a fixed basis, a large bank loan has increased monthly 1.4% per month.
The middle bank data shows the dominant loan from residents who have increased by 12.4% on P12.8 trillion in December, as soon as Greening 11.4% in November.
At that time, loans in the authorities has increased by 5.7% on the P330 billion during the month, faster than 3.9% sent in November.
Outstanding loans for residents of construction work done 10.8% to P11.2 trillion in December, faster 9.8% last month. Production loan is calculated by a large number of (85.4%) of complete loan.
The BSP said growth was continued by continuous loans on the full trade and the sale of vehicles, repairs and motorcycles (10.1%); Electricity, gas, smoke and air supply (14.2%; Production (7.4%); financial and insurance activities (7.4%); and construction (12.6%).
At that time, the consumer loan jumped 25% in December from 23.3% last month. Consumer loan data is not included by real estate loan.
This is because of the “credit card expansion.
The BSP data indicated a credit card loan at 29,4% in December from 26,5% last month. The use of the use of the money paid for money is also picked up 16.5% in December from 15% last month.
However, the growth of the vehicle loan decreased gradually on 19.5% in December from 19,6% last month.
Rimal Commerce Banking Corp. The Economist Economist Michael L. Ricafufort said the growth of loans took the BSP to its reduction cycle.
Central Bank started its average cycle in August last year. Reduce the cost of borrowing for the number of 75 points (BPS), to submit the main amount to 5.75% in the end-2024.
In the coming months, proper inflation may allow a higher reduction in this year as well as the “high demand for money due to lower financial costs,” said Mr Ricafert.
A Businessworld The Polls of last week has shown that 19 out of 20 critics expect that the Board of the money expects to reduce the intended redemption system on 25 Bps on Thursday.
The BSP Ruler Eli M. Remona, JR. You mean the average rate is cut “on the table.”
In 2025, he signed 50 billing opportunities, noting that 75 BPS or 100 BPS would be a little “a lot.”
Mr Ricafort also noted the cutting in the final agreement (RRR) “may have increased bank loan amount.”
The BSP Reduced The RRR For Universal and Commercial Banks and Nonbank Financial Institute With Quasian-Banking Functions by 250 BPS to 7% from 9% from 9.5 from 90 BPS Took Fuffement Offect Offect October October.
Mr Justona said Financial Board looks at it again to reduce the final requirements for 200 to 5% this year, sometimes during the year.
“The Pickup in the bank loan growth in the past months can be caused by improvement of business and economic conditions, in accordance with enhanced data in previous months,” Mr Ricafort is unexpectedly.
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At that time, Doserm Liquidity (M3) increased by 7.7% in December, the same with November.
The M3 – considered as a comprehensive equity of liquidity – increased to P18.8 trillion from December from P17.4 trillion year earlier.
Month month, M3 is a 0.2% on the fixed basis.
Data from BSP showed local claims Rose by 10.4% during the month, or moving less than 10.8% in November.
“The claims in the private sector has grown at 12.7% over the past 11.7% month after continuously expanded banking and housing,” said BSP.
The Growth in Net Claims on the Central Government Eased to 7.2% in December 11.2% in the Previous Month Due to Higher National Government Borrowings.
At that time, the growth of low-quality goods (NFA) relates to the principles of PESESO and reduced 6% from 9.8% in November.
“The BSP NFA was expanded by 6.8%, reflecting the final increase of international worldwide countries. At the time, bank NFA dropped due to high costs and responsibilities,” can hear. – Luisa Maria Jacinga C. jocson
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