EPFU renewal: The interest rate is still the same in job deposit deposits 2024-25; information inside

Protilement Fund Se Provident Organization (EPFFO) has placed interest rate in the Provident Fiseident Fund (EPF) by a financial year 2024-25.
The decision was taken at the time of the 237 middle meeting of the Trustee Board (CBT), EPF, led by labor Minister and Municipal Manduki Manduki Delhi on Friday.
The department said the “CBT has been recommended for 8.25 percent of the fantasy of EPF in the accounts in the financial year 2024-25. The interest rate will be official.
EPFO’s interest rate from 1977-78
Last year in February, EPFO increases interest rate by 0.10% to 8.25 percent of 8,12-23 percent.
In March 2022, EPFFI decreased the interest rate in EPF in 2021-22 for about four years by 8,00 percent of 2020 members.
The interest rate in EPF in 2020-21 was 8.10 percent, the lowest since 1977-78, where the interest rate of EPF is 8.0 percent.
After CBT’s decision, the interest rate on EPF deposits in 2024-25 will be sent to the Synchronization Finance Service.
After government approval, interest rate in EPF in 2024-25 will be included in more than seven EPFO accounts.
To check EPF interest rates 5 years ago
Year | Rate |
2019-20 | 8.65% |
2020-21 | 8.55% |
2021-22 | 8.55% |
2022-23 | 8.15% |
2023-24- | 8.25% |
The interest rate in the EPF is reviewed annually. The EPF is managed by the Provideitors Fund Fund (EPFFO).