Hochul plans to force new New York City independence between Adams Scandal

Gov. New York Kathy Hochul plans to announce that he will not use his authority to remove the Mayams.
Ms. acts Hochul can reduce the freedom of the mayor at a time when he fights allegations that they enter the enforcement of the Empire Administrative Management. It can also hurt and her reset leadership this year, even as it may be allowed to serve the remainder of his term.
Ms. Hochul, who had been the Mayorian partner, plans to advise Mr Adams for his behavior on Thursday and expressed his proposals as he had to confirm young people.
While Mrs. Hoechul will be prepared to destroy the will of the vote, it is expected to put the supplyer of new energy management systems for a careful monitoring of Mr Ads’s team in City Hall.
Steps Ms Hochul plans that include creating Deputy Assessment Program in New York City; Establishment of the City’s Comploter Fund, a government lawyer and Speaker of City Council Mr Speaker To employ the Federal Government’s advice if the Mayor does not want to do so; and to provide additional State Comproler to evaluate the City’s Fund.
The emperor demands to force a new law to hold the mayor to shoot the head of the Department of City without approval by the State of the State.
The suggestions, who were not yet completed before the announcement of the afternoon, were described by the officials who used to speak in public.
Mr. Adamas spokesman did not immediately respond to the request for comment.
Ms. Hochul spent the days for reasons for the future of Mr..
No ruler in New York history in 235 years has removed the mayor of voters, and people spoke to Ms. Mr. Adams stressed that he would not give up willingly.
The joint cooperative claim that its plan will help ensure the New Yorkers will continue to work on their offspring, not the voters who cannot select the mayor during the annual election.
Ms Hochul suggestions will require approval of law enforcement law and the State Legislature, and may meet opposition from Mr Nds’s Frees in Albany, or colleagues colleagues in New York. city stories.
This is a growing story and will be renewed.
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