Big Bear bald eagles begin mating season, raising hopes for a chick

The last two mating seasons ended tragically for Jackie and Shadow, the beloved pair of Big Bear eagles.
Thousands of fans eagerly following the bird’s antics via webcam were left heartbroken when the lovebirds’ eggs were eaten by crows in 2023. Earlier this year, fans were devastated when all three of their eggs failed to hatch – even after Jackie bravely spent 62 hours. guarding them in a heavy snow storm.
The pair were spotted mating for the first time this season on Sunday, reviving hopes that they will successfully raise an eagle (or two) in the new year.
“I’ve been watching for a long time to know that things will happen and we just have to accept what nature brings,” said Sandy Steers, biologist and executive director of Friends of Big Bear Valley. “But I’m optimistic and looking forward to whatever trip we get this year.”
Friends of Big Bear Valley has used bald eagle webcams since 2015. A few feathered characters have come and gone, but Jackie and Shadow, who paired up in 2018, are the most popular. Webcam views peaked last March, when about 32,000 people tuned in at once in hopes of watching Jackie’s eggs hatch, Steers said.
Fans are drawn to the big birds’ big personalities and funny dynamic relationships.
“Jackie is strong and independent and wants her way in everything,” Steers said. Shadow will often let Jackie have her way, but she also has a mean steak and won’t hesitate to pull her tail feathers when she’s not looking.
Luckily, Jackie is attracted to Shadow’s cheekiness, and his teasing often leads to “easy kissing moments,” she said.
Bald eagles are one of the rare creatures that mate for life, only finding a new mate when the previous one dies.
America’s iconic bird was nearly wiped out in the 1960s due to the pesticide DDT, which poisoned the eagles and made their eggs weak and fragile. In the early 1970s there were fewer than 30 nests in the entire state of California, according to the state Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Its population was brought back to the brink of extinction due to the DDT ban in 1972 and successful campaigns to protect their habitat and encourage their reproduction. Now, on some days, more than 1,000 bald eagles have been counted in California, according to Fish and Wildlife.
Still, they remain an endangered species in the state, which means there’s more at stake than fans’ feelings when it comes to trying to breed Jackie and Shadow.
Sadly, the odds have not shifted in their favor.
Bald eagle eggs have a 50-50 chance of hatching, Steers said. Once hatched, less than 50% of eagles survive their first year, according to the American Eagle Foundation.
In Big Bear Valley, Jackie and Shadow face more environmental challenges.
Their nest, 145 feet above the ground in a Jeffrey pine tree, is the highest eagle nest seen by webcam in the country, Steers said. The community of Big Bear Lake itself sits at about 7,000 feet above sea level.
Low air levels at high altitude are one of the reasons the Friends of Big Bear Valley suspect that three of Jackie’s eggs failed to hatch last year. Cold winters with snow and rainy springs also dim eagles’ chances of survival.
Jackie previously lost two 6-week-old chicks to cold weather after the storm. The eaglets were too old to fit under his feathers, but too young to build their own waterproof ones, according to Steer.
In 2022, the couple succeeded in producing a single eagle called Spirit, which was considered by many to be a minor miracle.
And despite previous failures, the lovebirds continue to renew their bonds and efforts to produce chicks this year.
For the past few weeks, Shadow has been busy bringing sticks to the nest to attract Jackie and build their home, Steers said. On Friday, Jackie brought a fish to the nest – a sign that she is preparing to hunt and lay eggs.
Steers is hoping the couple will produce eaglets this season, but whatever happens, he’s very happy that so many people care about him.
“Our whole aim was to be able to make people see in the everyday life of nature, so that they can really know what is happening and fall in love with nature,” he said. “And it’s been great to watch—I’ve had people say things like, ‘I never knew nature was so difficult,’ or, ‘Wow, it’s so amazing to see what these birds are doing.'”
See the live webcam here.
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