The former RBI Shaktikanta Das is appointed Secretary who has appointed second secretary in Premier Narendra Modi

The former Indian bank of Em emperor Shaktika Das was a Saturday and appointed Secretary-secret secretary Narendra Modi.
PK Mishra, IAS manager of Gujarat Cadre, currently serving as the Great Secretary in Prime Minister.
According to the official order, DAS police officer, Tamil Nadu Cadre officer, will be “Co-terminus” during the Premier or until the front.
This is the first time that two people will work at the same time as the main secretaries in the Prime Minister. Both Mishra and Das appeared in Odisha.
“The Cabinet committee has approved the appointment of Shri Shaktika Das, IAS (SAVE), such as the Premier will be a Premier will be a terminus by name Premier or until any other,” said the instruction.
The 60-year-old Das was a age of age over 44 years of different service, especially financial, taxes, investment and infrastructure.
He was the financial secretary of middle government. During pre-economy in 2016, the Modi government announced Demonet.
DAS played an important role when many indirect taxes have been compiled into a single GST, which started on July 1, 2017.
Das became the 25th RBI ruler in 2018 after leaving Upjit Patel.
At first the appointment of three years, his time was expanded by one three-year period in 2021. Designed at office on December 2024 when Sjay Malhetra were appointed as RBI ruler.
Das was the second-long RBI ruler after the 90-year history after Beregal Rama Rau, a seven-year-old.
Das, 1980-Batch IAS policeman in the history of Delhi’s Stephen college and postgraduate degree degree in the University of Birmingham community.
As RBI, he focused on the fight against financial hardship, prevent inflation and promote economic growth.
You have taken several steps to deal with liquidity crunch in the Bank fees and took steps to strengthen the framework of the bank and non-banking companies.
DAS is equipped with navigating RBI economic policies with the coving epidemic. As an important economic character, he experienced challenging periods in the management caused by close. He has chosen to cut the rate of 4 percent high-scale, which continues the lowest interest emotions for almost two years to help the economy touch badly.
During his employment, RBI relies more than – RS 2.11 Lakh Crore to the center in 2023-24.
He also was given a ‘Central Bank of the Yearn Banking, UK.
Das also served as an Indian ruler of the World Bank, Asia bank (Adb), New Development Bank (NDB) and the bank infrastructure bank (Aiib).
He has shown India at International Fora for international as IMF, G20, BrICS and SAARC.
Mishra, Agriculture Secretary, has been active as the Great Secretary in Premier from September 2019