The son rushed to his elderly father during Eaton’s Fire. Arrived one day too late

By Jan. 7, a modified Day of Eabriel, “Shaw” Shaw “Go to Zhao and get the call to the father in Altadena around 12:30 PM, asking what kind of food she should prepare for her coming visit.
It can last when shaw once talked to her father.
Shaw, who lives in Portland, orre.
The Chinese retirement – a widow – one in 29 people were killed in destructive fires in Altadena and Pacific Pacisades. His son, Shaw, joined other fire victims last month facing Edisco California, blaming health and safety codes and not limited to maintaining their plants and equipment.
Says Shauke: “My father was a great man, intelligence and persistence.
Long ago before the fires, Shaw had planned a journey to visit his father, Zhi Feng Zhao, Altadena. Shaw bought the Jan’s flight ticket. 8
Later that day, Shaw found a scripture from his father’s neighbor, warned him of wild fires. He walked online to see what the situation was and saw that his Father’s road was not under any exit order or warning order.
About 8 in the evening, Shawn called his father twice but did not take. Zhao was not good for the calls – especially using landline and had a cell phone, but it does not usually respond or take calls. His father also had hearings to hear and taking a sleep medicine to help him sleep.
“I said to me:” Let him keep sleeping, “said Shaw.” I will monitor the situation online. ”
About 5 in the morning, Shaw returned to the Internet and realized that everything has changed: The command to be transported to his neighbor around 3 am he called his Father but did not respond.
Shaw moved his plane to sunset in Jan. The driver of Wymt asked to drive in his father’s street as much as possible to seek him.
Finally they arrived in the Police Arricade and were not allowed to drive home to Tonia Avenue. Shaw then went to Pasadena Convention Center, which served as a place for exiled residents. He spent all night, walking around the bed to bed and wanted his father to be found.
“After that effort, I knew it was not a good sign,” said Shaw. “I didn’t find her and I didn’t get talk from her.”
By Jan. 9, the same lymt driver asked to drive Shaw back to his father’s place. They have a Fair Oaks Avenue and Woodbury Road and left there, they traveled about 90 minutes in the house of her father.
The whole neighbor was moved by fire. Father’s house was taken out of ashes.
“Every house on both sides of the road was no longer, except one,” said Shaw. “It was very painful, like a war zone.”
Shaw saw a coyote in the earlier court and his stomach down. The driver of Lymt eventually found his father’s left next to where the animal was. They called immediately in 911.
The body of his father was in a similar position when he was sleeping, lifting himself down on his bed, Shaw said.
“Everything was a safe catastrophe,” says Robert Jarchi, a lawyer representing. “None of these were to happen. In California history, there were some tears, who have destroyed homes and communities because of infrastructure use or turned off during higher air events.”
Kathleen Dunleavy, Souther California, spokesman in Dison, tell the times that the investigation is in its original stages.
“Our hearts go out to every affected man in the southern Ealifornia of the field,” he said. “The Southern California Edison will continue to investigate our equipment involvement.
The use of this church “details and details have arrived, such as videos from external parties of the fire, suggesting that the company takes seriously,” according to media release.
The SCE said “identifies common directions that can support this organization, such as operators, arc marks in the original background, or evidence of lines offered in the area.”
This week, SCE also reported to the country’s governors that its equipment might have aroused a fire of throwing, which put about 800 acres in Sylmar last month. The SCE is not yet clear that Eaton fire was given but said that check all the details and information.
Four energy lines on top of Eaton Canyon had seen an element of electricity and the fire broke, said work in different filling.
Zhao grew up in rural areas of China and his parents died at the age of four, according to the spirit. Zhao was studied in Peking University and eventually moved to Shanghai, where he met and Shaw’s mother.
Zhao moved to California in the late 1980’s and stayed in Altadena. He encouraged Shaw to pursue a computer science as head of college.
Shaw with his parents moved to the Altadena home in September 2005. Shaw moved to Oregon when he found a new job, and his parents stayed in Los Angeles. Her mother died during the country epidemic, leaving her father to stay with her.
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