US President Donald Trump takes office

‘We’re going to expand our territory,’ Trump said. Um, where?
Three unusual words were inserted into Trump’s first speech – deep enough in the middle of a long sentence that they risked being overlooked.
Trump has talked about expanding US territory, something that hasn’t happened in generations. He included the words “expand our territory” in the list of things he wanted to do.
It’s clearly remarkable given all of Trump’s recent songs: making Canada a country, taking Greenland and taking back the Panama Canal.
But it was not clear. He had just talked about restoring the Panama Canal, then he talked about planting the American flag on Mars.
Included on the to-do list: “The United States will once again see itself as a growing nation – one that increases our wealth, expands our territory, builds our cities, raises our expectations and carries our flag to new and better places. . And we will pursue our visible future in the stars – launching American astronauts to plant stars and stripes on the planet Mars. Ambition is the backbone of a great nation and right now our nation is more ambitious than any other.”
To be clear, Trump did not refer in his speech, in any way, to Canada or Greenland. For what it’s worth, the idea of merging any of those areas is unpopular with Americans, according to a poll released a few days ago by the Wall Street Journal.
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