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Dragon Elements Breaks free from Screens With Latid® Capsules

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SCALE NANOTECH SPINS OUT Dragon Elements to bring graphene-based technology

Valencia, Spain – The Nanotech scale, an improved company in Estonia, announced the presentation of its Spanut Dragon Alements in Spain, marking disturbing entry in the XR field. Dragon Elements set to sell Latido® Capesules, a variable Graphenatary technology that is based on clarifying hard workers by eliminating the need for sound and video material.

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The birth of latido®: New paradigm in central

Based on the Spanish word Latido (heart rate), latido® It includes radical shift radical in audiovisual hardware. Unlike typical technology you need different sob and vision components, Latido® It interferes with millions of Atom-Atom-Graphranes that supported by lighting light and light inside one monolithic device, removing the need for screens or different speakers.

“We create a paradigm changes of people around the world,” says Santiago Cartamil, the Dragon Elections and the Director in charge of Scale Nanotech. “Letido® Built Audioovisual Maket, and the XR industry needs to be flexible. Change is now occurring. “

To ensure global discharge, Latido® Chips will be distributed earlier in “Capclule” for inspection, facilitating testing and pre-commercial examination, while making them available to leading users and developers. These DRAGON Dragon positions “in the heart beat” as a new participant in XR markets and markets dressed. As a smartphone acted with communication, Dragon items aim for the combination of audio and views on one device, suggesting users in a traditional circle that has never been.

Bootspring new season in Audiovisual Hardware

Dragon Elements launched a campaign conducted by the Bootpring community to put the Latide® In the nature of the controlled Sandbox and Gauge a public community. The initiative will give a latido® Capulules and capsust kits of engineers, promoting a strong society around the technology while losing the foundation of future gadgets.

“The markets often oppose the technology that disturbes like this,” Cartamil is added. “So we decide on the hands of people, as open as it can find. If you believe in Latido® And the amount we want to bring to the community and society, share with us by composing the future: Be in the first time in Latido’s appearance® By signing up for an engineer or supporting our public transportation. “

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Santiago J. Cartamil Bueno


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