Ninepoint Partners Announces Estimated January 2025 Cash Distribution for Ninepoint Cash Management Fund – Series ETF
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Toronto, Jan. 24, 2025 (Worldwide (Ninepoint partner) Ninepoint partners expect to issue a press release on or about January 30, 2025, which will provide the final level of submission. The date of recording the cash distribution is January 31, 2025, payable on February 7, 2025.
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All estimates in this document are based on accounting information as of January 24, 2025. The information included in this document is for reference purposes only. Please match all information against official client statements. This is not intended to be a statement of legal tax reporting purposes or any form of tax advice.
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The 2025 tax distribution amounts, including the tax aspects of the distribution, will be reported to CDS Clearing and Deposit Services Inc. Early 2026. Security holders can contact their trading company for this information.
Each estimated breakdown for January is described below:
Ninepoint ETF Series | It’s teasing | Each distribution of money opinion |
Distribution of mind per unit |
A kind of hunger |
Ninepoint Money Management Fund | UNSAV | $0.13608 | $0.00000 | 65443X105 |
About Ninepoint partners
Based in Toronto, Ninepoint Partners LP is one of Canada’s leading investment fund managers with over $7 billion in assets under management and institutional contracts. Committed to helping investors explore new investment solutions with the potential to improve returns and manage various risks, income, alternative assets, real assets, digital assets.
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Ninepoint Partner LP is the investment manager of nine mutual funds (collectively, the “funds”). Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees, operating expenses (if any), and other costs may all be associated with investing in funds. You are requested to read the prospectus carefully before investing. The information contained herein does not constitute an offer or solicitation by anyone in the United States or in any other jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is unauthorized or to any person unlawful. Prospective investors who are non-residents of Canada should consult their financial advisor to determine whether the fund’s security can be legally sold in their jurisdiction.
Please note that the transfer factors (split between income, capital gains and return on capital) can only be calculated when the fund has reached the end of the year. Distribution information should not be purchased for income tax reporting purposes as this is part of the total distribution for the year. For the appropriate amounts to distribute for the purpose of filing an income tax return, please refer to the appropriate T3 / T5 slips for that tax year. Please refer to the Prospectus or provide memorandum of each fund for details of the distribution policy of the Fund.
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Distribution payouts and distribution breakdowns, if applicable, are not guaranteed and may fluctuate. Distribution compensation should not be confused with fund performance, return measurement, or productivity. If the distributions paid by the Fund are greater than the performance of the fund, then the capitalization of the investment will be reduced. Distributions are paid as a result of financial gains received by the fund and income and dividends received by the Fund are taxable annually. The investors’ adjusted cost base will be reduced by the amount of any return of capital. If the investor’s adjusted cost basis goes below zero, then capital gains tax will have to be paid on the amount below zero.
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Neil Ross
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