Why is Trump releasing final files to JFK, RFL, MLK Assassinations? | Donald Trump News

The US President Donald Trump has issued a great command on Thursday, announcing that vision related to the fulfillment of the US President John F Kennedy (JFK (MLK) should be heard.
According to the National Archives and Record Administration, 99 percent of the records relating to JFK death have already been issued, with less than 4,700 documents.
Here’s what we know:
What is the trump order?
The Great Command Thursday says within 15 days, the National Director and Atlorney General Director must contact other government officials to deliver the “full and complete record” for JFK’s death.
It adds that within 45 days a member of government officials will review records related to the RFK and MLK murder and MLK and Trump inactive through their “Perfect Full” Delivery Program.
The order says that families and ‘the public’ is worth peace and truth ‘.
“There is at the national intention finally able to release all related records without delay.”
How did JFK, RFK and MLK?
John f Kennedy
Democrat JFK was the president from January 22, 1963, when he was shot dead when he boarded his motorcycles in Dallas, Texas.
His movement was his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, the Texas emperor John was joined with his wife, Nelly has changed. Emperor Constaly was also injured when attacks.
JFK was 46 at the time of his death. His adulterous president, Lynnn B Johnson, took over the Commission’s investigation led by the Horsece Chieren.
The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald, who once was a Communist activist – the Communists caused JFK. They held that kind, 24 at the time, worked alone. Oswald was shot dead while taken by the Dallas Nightclub headquarters owned by Dallas Nightclub the Jack Ruby, two days after JFK death.
Robert F Kennedy
JFK and Democratic New York Senator, RFK was shot dead for about five years in June 5, 1968, Elong Angeles.
He had announced his authenticity in the presidential election in 1968. After winning the California Democratic President Primary, he met supporters in Ambasador Hotel.
When the Palestine Palestine was 24, Sirhan Sirhan, who was rushed to a beautiful Samaria hospital in his wounds. Sirhan, now 80 years old, is serving a life sentence in Richard J Donovan Relceceptal Center in San Diego County, California.
Martin Luther King, JR
MLK, Activist who led to leading the lead rights and political philosophers, were shot dead in his second room in Tennessee in April 4, 1968. He was 39 years old.
Mlk was taken to St Joseph Hospital, where he died of his injury.
In 1969, James Earl Ray, a 40-year-old civilist when he escaped his Missouri Prison in 1967 where he received a 1950-year-old, allowed Klk. He had been taken captive by Scotland Fishers in London. According to national warehouses, FBI concluded that Ray was a motivated person ‘.
Ray was sentenced to 99 years in Petros Denitentiary at Petros, Tennessee by the Shelberty County crime court killed in his 29 years in 1998 from health problems.
How many documents are there in the killing of the population?
The US Congress exceeded the law in 1992, increasing that files related to JFK murder issued within 25 years.
Since this law, approximately 320,000 documents, 99 percent released, according to the National Archives and Record Administration.
The deadline is released on all the documents that were issued in 2017, during the first quarter of Trump. Trump was released about 2,800 documents but blocked hundreds of some people waiting for review, under pressure from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI).
In 2023, President Joe Beniden issued some of the scriptures for about 17,000 years, leaving 4,684 documents as sembled or fully about JFK’s death.
What conspiracy do you come from being killed?
The killing of three people, especially the JFK is frozen because the CIA and the FBI have kept several documents separated, and set idal ideas.
The United States, government officials and even some members of the leaders of leaders who were dropping doubts at the final conclusion of the investigation of the investigation. Some believe that the suspects were unfortunate, and that important information about the killing of the blocked people.
“I’m just Patsy!” Oswald said on the video recorded after his death was taken to JFK’s murder at the Dallas police headquarters. Many read this as Oswald himself said he was artist, and he did not alone.
The Warren Commission concluded that only one 6.5-millimeter coins killed JFK and injured many emperor to doubt and realized that the bullet was true of the two older men. Critics also question the grain trajectory.
The Footage of the killing of the clothing Abraham Zapruder indicates that the excessive chrus of JFK headache is full as the second shooting beat his skull. For years, the film part was not publicly issued until the ABC issues have taken away in 1975.
The fact that Oswald was killed shortly after being arrested, so there was no case that happened, and the ideas of conspiracy.
Robert F Kennedy Jr, Trump health secretary and RFK’s son, said the “2023 proof” that CIA was involved in the murder of Malume, JFK.
He said “and” and “convincing evidence” is the most conviction “but” critical “that CIA was involved in his father’s death.
After Meeting Sirhan in prison, Kennedy Jr said, “I was not to be found guilty of killing my father. and he did, “says him,” said one in prison, “said the Washington Post reported that in 2018.
Mlk’s family don’t believe Ray killed him, and he said that he thought his execution was around the FBI. Ray and did not appear in court when he had pleaded guilty to avoid death sentence.
“It hurt my heart that James Earl Ray had to spend his life in a prison his or her youngest, youngest children in 2018.
Mlk’s family filed a wrong death entitled “King Family V Jowers and other unknown colleagues” in 1999. Loyd Jowers was a restaurant owner near Merer. In 1993, Joels told the ABC news that he was paid $ 100,000 by the Memphis Mobster Mobster Frank Illerto to organize Mlk’s murder.
The Memphis Jury ruled that Howers and “Lung” includes “government agencies” were a responsibility to be killed. The family said they were satisfied with the decision. The son of Mlk, Dexter, was after the decision, “after today, do not want such questions as, ‘Do you believe that James Ray killed your father?’ I heard that my whole life. No, I don’t, and this is the end. “
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