La real estate agent reveals the No. 1 reason why residents of Pacific Palikades will not return

Their former list’ star and Los Angeles Real Estate Agent Josh Altman provides an update on wild resource restoration and rebuilding efforts, and previews President Donald Trump on disaster sites.
After making a shocking prediction that up to 70% of the residents of Pacific Palikades will not return to building and living in their homes, in his previous “finding the real list” real estate agent Josh Altman explains exactly why.
“They will not return because they don’t want to return. They just want to go back there … They will not be returned because the math is easy,” said Fox Business Live, “Friday .
“I don’t believe they’re going to be able to afford to rebuild for a lot of people who aren’t very well off, with the cost of construction, lumber, steel. We’re talking about $1,000 [per] Footprints in Palades and Malibu. “
Southern California has been actively participating in some wild abortions since Jan. 7
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The president Donald Trump He declared a national emergency Friday after viewing the project in Los Angeles with the citizens he personally affected.
The beginning of the list of dollars “Million Dollar” Star Josh Altman reveals that the main reason that 70% of the Pacific Palisades attackers is due to the cost of expensive insurance due to the expensive cost of insurance and buildings, on Fox Business Live. “ (Foxbusiness)
FIRST estimates put the total loss of wild currency in the $50 billion range, according to accuweather and jpmorgan. Leading the fires, several insurance companies fled, stopped writing new policies or reduced the gold standard area.
“And that’s on top of getting a construction crew to show your site where there are 16,000 buildings burned down between homes, schools, commercial spaces. It’s a disaster. It’s expanding. “That’s what I’m saying, I don’t know if they’re going to be able to do it with insurance.”
New Newrom has signed an aid package in which the State will spend 2.5 billion dollars to help the recovery of wildlife. But Altman wants Newlawlow to take his response one step further by removing the bureaucratic roadblocks that make homes in California more time-consuming and expensive.
New York City Real Estate Agents Dolly and Jenny Lenz discuss wild Los Angeles and the impact it will have on the local real estate market on ‘Fox Business Live. ‘
“The recipe for success will be cutting red tape. Building a house, a process in California, which is completely threatened by red tape, you can’t get a permit; you get a coastal commission, you get it for another two years. It’s time for the governor to start cutting red tape. We have to move forward as a team,” he said. .
“There were a lot of regulations and a lot of things in the State and in the area that had to go. The house tax, that was the worst tax that ever passed,” Altman continued. “Get rid of all the people who lost their homes. The wildlife system, get rid of it. Start cutting the red tape. That’s how we’re going to get back to being [a] los angeles is strong. “
The architect, who spoke before the President’s visit, hopes that Trump seeing the destruction in his eyes will lead to more federal aid.
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The founder of the Oppenheim group and the ‘Sunset sale’ Movidor Digital Broker for FOX News Digital about how to speak out against the owners using California’s prices.
“You’ve got to see it. I’ve been to the Palisades, I’ve been to the Malibu. It’s been worse for a person than you can imagine.
Critical fire conditions emerged across the region on Friday, with isolated pockets of rain expected over the weekend. Beneficial rain will improve on Sunday, but could cause mudslides in hot spots.
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FOX News’ Stepheny Price and Fox Weather’s Chris Oberholtz contributed to this report.
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