It is still too late to update the targets of growth – Salican

The economic uneasy is a problem, but it may be very early updates of Philippine growth, the national development secretary of Arsenio M. Simalican Development.
“We will see. There are many things that happen mainly for all of this is uncertainty of the world economy again and re-repeat regimens.
The Committee for the Development Budget (DBCC) has defaulted the Gross Domestic Product target (GDP) to 6-8% by 2025 until 2028, due to define domestic and global uncertainty. “
“It’s too early to change at this time but we need to be careful and to change because of this uncertainty,” add.
The Budester’s Secretary and the DBCC secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman historically presents the intended target during the first and second quarter of the year.
The DBCC meeting was organized by the end of March, but technical teammates will hold a meeting next week.
He asked if the lower end of the target is still there year, Mr Baliscan said: “I don’t say it is no longer working, but I think we will give you the opportunity to see the numbers in May.”
The economy was expanded by a weakened person than the fourth expectation of 5.2% of GDP’s age at 5.6% in 2024, loss of 6-7% of government.
Mr. Balican said “uncertainty in worldwide environment and any corruption” is concerns, but reduces the inflation and marketing of market market
Inflation has disclosed in 2.1% in February from 2.9% in January and 3.4% last year. This was under the prediction of 2.2%% -3% by Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas.
Mr. Balican also expected inflation to stay inside the target in the next months.
“It is true, some pillar of anxiety is the export, in the foreign economic sector,” he said.
The new US government prices can directly affect Philippines as no country will survive, Mr. Balican said.
“The last two years, our background, in the outside field, was not good. As I said, most of our growth was at home. There is a good investment,” he added.
The NEFA emphasized the demand for the country to separate their markets, and become aggressive in entering free trade agreements. – Aubrey rose a. friday
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