The student had ordered Grad was killed in the investigators who were afraid of being a complete murder
On 6 February 2021, Kevin JiangAnother 26-year-old class-classian and former Army National Guardsman, spent the day with Zion perry, his fist, also a degree. The couple went to go to the mountains and fishing in the snow, followed by dinner at her home in the East Rock area in New Haven. Police said around 8:30 night Jaang came out of his apartment and came to Bried to his home, where he lived with his mother.
Kevin Jiang was a 26-year-old student of Male, a military veteran, and, his friends said, a man of faith, and homeless. / Credit: Kevin Jiang / Instagram
She almost reached two blocks before her car was hit behind by a black SUV in an area that seems to be a small fender bender. Police believe that you get out of his car, likely to look at what another driver like and share information. Rather, another driver shooted Jiang eight times – With a few bullets shot next to his head that the explosive gun left behind the new wounds in his face.
David Bawski, a leading investigator in Jiang’s murder, talked to the “48 Hours” writer Anne-Marie green
Zawaweski said another Witness told investigators that he heard a fender Bender, looked out the window, and he heard gunshots and saw the dimzy. One Witness added that he did not just feel a gunfire, but he saw the shooter – dressed in black – standing on his fallen victim after it was low. The investors later would receive a cooler’s home-home video that captured the last Kevin times of Kevin living, confirming the information accounts.
But why the mystery boat that the eight shells were lying near Jiang was .45 characters – and they were like .45 shells were found at the last four latest shooting scene.
According to police, gunmen shooted in the .45 characters in homes in the past few months. In those cases, no one was injured. Investigators discussed homes but could not find communication between them.
Shortly, Jiang’s murder had symptoms of violent cases of road violence. But Zweski and his colleagues Steven Cunningham began to wonder if there was more.
“It looks like personal,” said Zawisk told Green. “If a person lies in the ground, what does man continue to shoot?”
Cunningham asked about a car accident. “Did you deliberately do her out of the car? Maybe something is planned?” He said.
“And if he had been directly directed,” went on the Zwaseski, “What is happening in his life to call someone to do this?
It was a sound inquiry to be followed, but after expressing the sad news of Jiang and his festival, the investigators said that the photo from Kevin was a federal and enemy. He was living with him, and he cared for him, his mother, and he fetched StTletle to stay with him. He volunteered to work with no homeless, a very religious, and he had been Lieutenant in the US Safety Army. In one week before he had proposed Perry, they wrote on Facebook, about a day to celebrate their meeting in a Christian rest.
Kevin Jiang Nomion Perry / Credit: Facebook
Pastor Ed Gregory Hendrickson summed up a young couple of a young couple of marriage. “Apparently they share in many the same,” he started. “The Zion was a scientist that was serving molecular biokysics and biocysic lessons.
Zawaweska and Cunningham knew they were facing a terrible investigation. Jiang’s murder may have been another random shot of the mysterious type of .45. Whoever who was shooting, he was still scared.
“The suspect was outside,” said Zawaski. “He did not be exposed. We don’t know where he went … and had no idea what to do next.”
With a few followers and a vague picture of a black SUV from the pictures that are in the scene, they knew they would need a break. And they found one day the next day when they receive an emergency call from SGT. Jeffrey Mills of North Haven police nearby. You have given them a shocking information about two different calls of 911.
The first is happening about half an hour after Jiang’s murder. The driver was arrested on the snow-covered railway without the metal courtyard and accidentally looked at a nearby highway. The driver of the car, Qinxuan panHe was Malden, Massachusetts. His record was clean, and he was calm that Mills had heard of others who were ridiculed near that myth. Thus, he helped Pan to get a Teazi and a nearby hotel room. At that time, Mills did not know that there was a murder of New Haven.
But about 15 hours later, at 11am in February 7, Mills answered the 911 call from Arby’s, where workers had found a wallpaper .45 Caliber characters. Arby’s was near the best western hotel where Pan was taken. And at that time he knew that Kevin Jiang was killed, by a black Suv a black Suv like a chan. It was then that he reached the murder of the New Haven.
The Pan has come to the hotel but did not go there. And when you had a scanner who sent out Chief In Malden, where Pan went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mit) and stayed with his parents – no one at home.
Zawaski turned to his computer looking for pan, hoping to get a connection to the jiang. “We will use Facebook as a try tool to get the background about individuals, their friends,” explains Zawwazeski. But it seems that no connection with Jiang.
And then, go down to the list of words, “Green said, nothing, nothing, and like, ‘Whoa.’
“There is our communication,” replied Zwaski. That connection was Zion Perry, which was listed as Pan’s friend. He and Pan have been meeting in the Christian group while Perry is a student of Undegraduate Mit. And even though Perry was not familiar with Pan and never contacted him since leaving MIT and moved to New Haven to the corner, killing investors felt more than break. They had a suspect who may have lost in his home. And the potential cause: Perfections by Perry.
“It seemed that Pan took place after scenes Kevin didn’t know, and Zion knew me,” said Zawisk. After all, Jiang’s murder took place in one week after Perry sent their marriage to Facebook, as well as their earlings in love.
The investigators believe that Pan is the one who made the four shooting incidents of the type .45, and the firing was part of the planned plan. They say that shooting was done to mislead when Jiang finally killed, to think that his death was another incident.
“He organized, said Cunningham. And he knew we would be looking at these other things.”
“This was not a just incident,” added Wazaski. “He was intended.”
Now, their murder investigations, as well as the campaign to search for their intelligent, Tech-Savvy Mit started. US marshals joined the case and learned that the Pan family could reach millions of dollars to death. Pan was not, and they were worried that it could be trying to flee from the world. Pressure was strong.
“This has been higher high as soon as possible,” said Marshal Joe Galvan of the US “48 hours.” “It was just high.”
MARSHALS strengthen many of their resources to track pan. They realized that Palman’s parents had issued large sums of money, and that they had taken a long journey to southern son, after being killed. When the parents were stopped in Georgia, they were in a car, but their son was gone. They say that he goes out of the car and goes, they don’t know what He has he has He has He has He has He had. The investigators had doubts.
“They would go to the end of the world to help and hide it,” Matthew Duffy, US Maryhals Task Force in Connecticut. The Marshals focused on the parents as their way of finding a Pan. They know that finding her will need patience as they use all their guards to track the family.
Sundays passed, but eventually their patience had good results. Pap Kapan finally made a mistake that led to chants to his son. He made a call at the hotel of the clerk. The researchers spoke with the clerk and were able to track the device, leading them to the Papel’s place in the house where the resident in Alabama.
“They went there a small army,” Duffy said. “About 20 boys … He just went out, ‘I am looking for.'”
In time his arrestPan had an estimated $ 20,000, many communication services, and his father’s passage. He was blame On Jiang’s murders, he accepted a pledge agreement, and sentenced in April 2024 to serve 35 years in prison.
Palman’s parents have never been charged. “48 hours” to Pans, but they did not respond to our application for comment.
Stainers believe that if Pan did not put him on the train route that night in February, Jiang’s murder would not be solved.
“Is it possible to escape death?” Asks Zwawski Ugreen.
“He was successful,” replied Zwaski. “If you didn’t participate in those tracks … would be very difficult.”
Although investigating, friends, and family were free that Pan was arrested and sentenced, Jiang’s mother spoke when sentenced to Pan and said that the 35-year-old sentence was killing his only son.
Perry agreed. “I wanted to talk to Pan right,” he said when he sent himself. “Although your sentence is far enough than you should … there is also kindness. May God be kind to all of us.”
Even four years after Jiang’s death, friends wonder if Kevin, a man of deep faith, what he thought of his murderer.
“Do you think Kevin could forgive Pan?” Green asked Jamila Oh and Nasya Hubbard, who worked with Jiang battle.
“Yes, I admit,” Hubbard said. I added Ayh, “without a doubt.”
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