Thieves used explosives to steal gold art ‘from the Dutch Museum

Four gold artefacts stolen from the Dutch Museum in the Dutch Site by attacking a night after night Saturday morning.
Thieves used explosives to explode their way to Drents Museum in Assen, which would handle Romanis showers of gold and silver.
They left three dacian spiral threats with the bracelets and middle-centered helmet – a strong decoration of Cotofenesti, which was made up to 2,500 years ago.
The Romanian-Romanian service promises to take all the possible stolen objects, which were lied to the Dutch Museum from Bucharest.
The Director of the Drets Museum Harry Tunpan said workers were “very shocked” by burglary, what he said was a majority in their 170-year history.
Police were called to the scene after I exploded reports on 03:45 local time (04:45 GMT on Saturday.
Police are investigating forensic investigation and review CCTV Footage all day.
Police also investigated a burning car found on a nearby road, blaming the suspects to be linked to burglaries.
“The situation that the suspects may change for another car near fire,” the Dutch police said statement.
No arrests have been made, but the authorities blamed many people involved. Police called the Global Policing Agency InterPol to help the investigation.

A statement from the museum said “Taken” Archaeological Money “, including a Coopifenest, from 450 BC, along with three ancient fun threats.
All four stolen things are very important for cultural cultures in Romania, with Cotephone helmet viewed national wealth.
In the late 1990s, 24 rings occurred at the same time and put it by heritage hunters and sold abroad.
The Romanian Empire worked for years to bring them back from collectors in Austria, Germany, France, UK and the United States.
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