Israel, Hamas adds a deal to deliver the kidnappers. Palestinians will return to Gaza Strip

The Office of the Israeli Premier Benjamin and Tanyuhu announced a week to be reached with Hamas to release additional exchanges from Thursday, and allowed the Palestines to return to the northern part of Gaza Strip from Monday morning.
Qatar has helped to discard this agreement, which are expected to relieve the first major problem to end the fight between Hamas and Israel.
“After strong and prescribed discussions led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, Hamas withholding and will conduct another release phase for exiled on Thursday,” Netanyahu office said. “As part of this phase, the Israeli citizen of Arbel of Hud, soldiers, Agam Berger, and one captain will be released.”
The statement also noted that some three kidnappers would be released on Saturday as part of the agreement.
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Prime Minister Benjamin and Tanyahi said Israel and Haas had reached an agreement for the release of some exiles and that the Palestinians returned to the northern part of Gaza Strip. (GETTY photographs)
Israel has confirmed that Homas has provided a list that specifies the status of the candidates expected to be released in the first paragraph. Local media also reported that the list was identified the number of the living kids and the dead, although words were not included.
Israeli officials say that most of the remaining ones remained in the remaining ones are alive, accompanied by the list provided by Ishams.
Netanyuhu’s office also said that Israel will allow the Palestines to return to the northern part of Gaza Strip from Monday morning under Agreement with Hamas.

Hamas is believed to hold 26, since Sunday. (Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa / File Picture)
Tanyahu reiterated that Israel will not tolerate any contractual violation between the two sides, adding that he will continue to emphasize that all exiles were returned, who are returned.
Similarly, the White House issued a statement on Sunday afternoon, a program between Israel and Lebanon will continue to work until Feb. 18, 2025.
“The Lebanel government, and the Israeli government, and the United States of the United States will also start conversations that Lebanese prisoners were arrested after 7 in October 2023,” we read a statement.
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President Donald Trump has sheared with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin and Tanyah’s place of Trump in Marump Mar-A-Laga on July 26. (Amos Ben-Gersshom (GPO) / Handolo / Anadolo Via Getty Images)
Agreement between Israel and Hamas Helps after the former party by changing the procedurer’s order to relieve. As a result, Israel’s soldiers blocked thousands of Palestinians to return north of Gaza.
Israeli soldiers also announced on Friday that he would not take south of Lebanon as needed suspension until the Lebanese government fully made their work full. According to the agreement, both parties are expected to withdraw on Sunday.
“The IDF troops worked in South the Southern Lebanon shot to remove threats in many places where the suspects were expanding to the army,” wrote IDF in the Sunday statement.
The joy of Bittweet as the first transport returned to Israel a few days after the exile.

President Donald Trump has met the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin and Tanyah’s place in Mara-A-Laga in July. (AP / Alex Brandon Picture)
These conflicts have occurred after President Donald Trump requested that Egypt and Jordan adopted the refugees from Gaza to “clean” the region.
“I would like Egypt to take people,” says Trump. “He is talking about a million and a half people, and we just cleans all this thing and say, ‘You know, it’s over.’
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Trump said that Jordan applauded the refugees of Palestine but said to the king: “I would look at the entire Gaza’s place, and it is a riot..”
Anders Hagstrom WFox News Digital contributed to this report.
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