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Musk says Germany ‘focused on having a crime’

Elon Musk has told collecting some of the hard work of Germany Party this weekend that the world is ‘focused on the previous crime,’ a significant extinction of the impact generation of the German politics has separated from the political political party.

“It is good to be proud of German culture, German prices, and you don’t lose it in some form of multicultural variety

“We don’t want everything to be the same everywhere when it is one kind of soup,” Mr Musk said. “You know, we want to have something else, you go to different countries and meet different cultures and are unique and the Germane government takes action to protect German health and welfare.”

Mr Musk’s comments arrived on Saturday, two days before Poland festivals annually announced 80 years of release of the Auschwitz concentration camp, one of the most important remembers in the German Calendar. Her critics in Germany highly criticize her words and her time.

“The traditional South African enthusiask in Germany wings wings, German pride, and German hands are amazing,” wrote German hands journalists.

Mr. Mesk himself recently awakened the dispute in Germany and elsewhere by giving the translation of the Nazi greeting to the Supporter meeting after Mr. Trump.

Billionaire, President Trump, allowed AFD Party in the post office at the Prontrational Phocial Media Platform in early last year, after last year, power policy and other issues. He has put his support from, while trying to express a group and its leadership as thinking.

In doing so, he has set besides couples and the Nazi and other actions of AFD lead to German political parties to the organization and functionality.

The German intelligence agencies are officially separate asd parts as faunts. The group leader was convicted last year for the use of the Nazi language. Group members, including a former Federal Parliament, filpres the bulks of several wealthy crisis.

However, Mr Musk, praised AFD over and over again. Holding its election Chancellor, Alice Weedel, to find a friendly conversation this month in X. He spoke of a group conference over the weekend with a video link, saying that the party was supported “Trump management.”

He continued to ask German history to return to the Roman Empire, which prompted Julius Caesar’s praise to German warriors to meet the war. He called the AFD proposals “common sense” and blamed the current government of Germany to pressure free and debate. He said the land needed the medium management, including that from the European Union in Brussels, as well as the strong governance from other countries.

“The future of the world, I think rest in this election in Germany,” said Mr Musk. “It is very important.”

Without Mr. Mr. As Mr Musk supported the party on December post, the percentage of the voters said they would vote for the party to rise in one point, 21 percent.

Nevertheless, AFD currently lives in the second place, after the main opposition party, Christian Democrats, but before Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats.

Toward 2023, before the hard-party was shocked, including legal support for the district leader through the ban on the ban, the party voted by 23 percent.

All other groups in Parliament have sworn to include Asd in the development of a new government after the election.

The latest vote shows that three quarterly German quarters see Mr Musk’s efforts to influence the German election as “unacceptable.” The same voting finds that 63 percent of respondents think Mr Musk did not understand German politics.

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