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Why is the Silicon Valley lying up suddenly in Deepseek?

Deepseeek’s Ai Breakthrough has silicon valley speaking. Omer Taha Cin / Ado Wady With Pics

The sudden arrival of the Deepseek Models, the start of the Chinese AI, is deducted by Aire, the envy and the commendation of Lilicon Valley’s Elite. Displaying AI Leadership Skills as Openai, Meta (Meta) and Anthropic, Suedeideeeek Models Developed with part of their US Commission – feat that hold the technological sector in surprise.

Deepseeek model, released in December and is followed by a new discussion model at the beginning of the Graphics 2,000 units (NVDA), according to Hedzhou’s Hedge High-Flyer. Flyer last year. The company’s power will not create advanced AI models to investors who are cheap with Cheap Cheap Chiefs. Unvidia shares 17 percent today (Jan. 27). AMD shares, Alphabet (GOGL) and Microsoft (MSFT) and fall.

Since some technical leaders will be asked if the Deentieseek has many Ai chips rather than acknowledging, some promoted the export of GPU Export Controls to protect China from finding new technology. CoWartast of Marc and Reedessen Cell Trethrough for today’s “Sputnik” Microsoft Nadella Praise Company, and Meta Officer Ai Scientist Yann Lecun dismissed her well.

One thing is definitely: SignseEek’s Silicue Valley is a valley of Silicon Valley. Here’s how to look at what dominant statistics are successful for the implementation of startup:

MARC Andreessen, the founder of Andressen Horowitz

Marc Andessen, Genture Capital Friend Firm Horowitz, described a R1-depth consulting model, released Jan. 20, as “sputnik Deepseek-R1 “is one of the most amazing and impressive and most amazing ways I have ever seen,” Never Andreedesen, praise the company’s decision to open the source of “powerful in the world.”

Yann Lecun, Ai Scientists in Meta

Deepseeek does not mean that Chin’s Ai skills pass through the US, according to Yann Lecun, but instead highlighted the power of the open source. “The right reading is: ‘Open source models exceeding,'” A computer scientist says in the latest post in Meta litter.

Lecun is additionally called Ai Stock Seroff “Woe Woe, notes that many financial companies spend in Ai familiar to train models but to run the models but to drive them.

Dario Amodeii, Anthropic CEO

For some Tech leaders, Suiseeety’s success is a sign that the US should continue to crack down to export control controls without a chip shipping. Dario Amode has just told the CNBC that he believes Chinese Ai companies have more GPU than expected Hardware prices before being used before limits. In the case of Deepseek, “said, at least, they have a group of 50,000,” said Amodii.

According to Anthropic CEO, export controls should focus on protecting the chip stocks in the growth of millions. “I think that the United States is able to lead in this technology, we will be in a worse geopopolitically,” Amongei told CNBC.

Marc Benioff, Salesforce Chief Executive Officer

In Marc Benioff, a new deepseeek popularity proves that data, not compute or models, will make a difference of technical companies. “The real AI treasure is not something [user interface] Or model – they turned into things, “said Benioff on X yesterday, where he noteded Deepseed’s success or nvidia chips.” Data Chips. Ai. “

Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO

When talking to CNBC in Davos at the beginning of this month, Satya Nadella mislead the first Chinese progress. “I think we have to take this development without China very,” said Nadella, describing deep models as “impressive.”

The CEO followed his comment today by an X mailing to the depth of “Jevons Paradox,” economic viewpoint that is well done to fulfill the effectiveness of resources instead of a reduction. “Since AI works well and accessible, we will see its use of skyrocket, turning it into something that we cannot know,” he said.

Which Sallon Valley leaders say about Ai Miracle Deepsek of China

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