2024 Farm Release Decrease 2.2%

By Adrian H. It’s Halili, Reporter
The Filipino agriculture The issue of contractual records of 2.2% in 2024, as the production of the farm continues to drop in the fourth quarter.
Data from Philippine Statistics Authority (Psa) shows the importance of agricultural and fishing prices for 2018 Shrank with 2.2% in P1.73 trillion, 20.4% change in 2023.
The printing of 2024 were under the Department of Agriculture (DA) 1-2% growth target.
The farm sector operation last year was due to the amount of agricultural (-4.2%), livestock (-1.1%) production. On the other hand, chickens were upgraded by 6.6%.
In a fourth Cotor, the amount of agricultural production provided by 2.2% on P483.58 billion, to return to 0.9% increase in the year earlier.
However, it marked a third consecutive quarter, although slow than 3.6% dropped in July-to-September’s time.
In current prices, agricultural production and fishery increase in the year 0.4% per year to P663.06 billion in the fourth quarter.
“Designations of 2.2% of the Philippine agriculture in 2024 were said to be different issues. Dacul. .
The world is facing lower rain conditions in the first half of 2024 because of El Niño. This was followed by Laña who brought a A series of storms caused a diet in many agricultural areas.
“The decline of agricultural results by 2024 is a result of the integration of the impact of El Niño and Lunguing,” Agricultural Secretary William D. Dar said within the text message.
El Niño, who started in June 2023, brought the end of the lowest rainstacks, drought and drought. The State Weather Bureau announced its end in June 2024.
On the other hand, the la Niña conditions are expected to persist in the end of the first quarter.
“The main reason for (sustenance) is due to the damage to El Niño, other volcanic diseases, other airport programs,” De Mesa said in the media center.
Data from DA showed complete agricultural injury to these events reached P57.78 billion, with full volum lost in two metric metric (MT) metrics covering 993,823 hectares on the farm.
The Federation of FREE Farmers National Ranager Raul Q. Montimbo said that the person was expected between natural disasters and animal diseases that lit a farm industry.
“It also identifies the lack of sector dignity – Growing slowly at normal times, but it is vulnerable when disasters and disruption.
Crops, Animals
The crop discharge, which was calculated more than half of the total agricultural production, decreased 3.1% in the period of October-to-December, shifting 0.3% last year.
Full year, plant production shrank with 4.2%, reversing 0.8% increase in 2023.
The farmer is under the agriculture Fermin D. Adriano said the Viber message that plants are most affected by El Niño and La Niña.
The PSA data has shown that rice production or rice disposal of 0.1% in a four-quarter from 0.2% annual achievement. For 2024, Palay production was opened by 5%, 1.5% of growth in 2023.
The Palay Product Dosage has been reduced by a year of 4,84% lower low lower lower lower lower under 19.09 million MT by 2024 in 2024. This was a very weak product from 1920 Mt into 2020.
In a quarter of four, the maize is done by 0.6%, reduced from 1.8% down the past year. Full year, maize production dropped by 3.2%, 1.8% of growth in 2023.
Some crops who sent two digits decreased in the fourth quarter was the context (-48.2%), sugar (23.5%) and onion (11.1%).
The PSA data has shown that animal production was mature at 6.2% in a quarter of a fourth, a 2.7% increase in the past.
In 2024, the release of the livestock dropped by 4.3%, to return to 2,5% increase annually before the year.
In a quarter of four, the decline appeared in Hogs (-7.3%), a goat (-4.1%) and cattle (-2.7%).
On the other hand, milk production arose at 4.8%, decreasing 16.4% last year.
In the Viber message, the National Federation of Hog Farmers, Inc. (Natfed) Vice-Sifrena Alfred Ng said theft of African Swifee Fever (ASF) in HOG production drew the Live Live. HOGs are listed in 14.6% of the total product of livestock.
“Many farmers sold their pig creation before the ASF hit its animals. Some could not be released in fear of disease, while others were waiting for vaccines.
Mr. He said he had promoted rains and floods because of the LA Niña in the Spike in ASF cases “like germs in the deepest tomb and infecting animals.”
At that time, the production of a 2.1% of the Financial Distribution of a fourth Cutter, less than 5.3% down last year. For 2024, the fishery disposal of fish in Slid at 1.1%, less than 6.6% down 2023.
Duration of October-to-December, two-digit decrease in the production of Mudcrab or a harmo (-28.9%), Cavalla or Talachitok (-24.9%), Big-Eyed Scad or Matangbaka (-20.6%), India’s mackerel or sane (-20%), skipjack or Guysas (-19.1%), spymouth or SAPSAP (-17.7%), frigate tuna or shrine (-17%), Yellowfin Tuna (15%), Round Scad or peacock (-14.3%), Seaweed (-12.7%), and a squid (-12.4%).
At that time, growth in production was recorded up. Vannamei (59.4%), Milkfish or bet (10.9%), Blue Crab or Ailasag (7.2%), threadfin or bisugo (4%), as well as the Bigeye Tuna (0.1%),
Mr Adriano said the decline of fishing can be reported and “weather features” and slow development of the Aquaculture’s country.
“The time for the closing fishing time, which is why you need to improve additional investments in Aquaculture,” Mr Dar add.
Tables closed are announced over certain locations to help fish used for restarting, as provided by the Republic Act No. 8550 or fisheries code. This closing lasts for three months.
The PSA reported that the trip out of 6.1% in a fourth quarter, gradually than 7.8% annual.
Full year, poultry production increased by 6.6%, better than 3.8% increase in 2023.
Top production appeared to chicken (5%), chicken egg (9.8%) and duck (0.3%), while duck eggs were decreased by 3.1%.
“The chicken inspection was able to grow up with efforts and investment in private sector including mid-center companies. There were fast-changing poultry,” said Mr Dar.
UA & P’s Ms. Dacul said growth in the chicken sector was about a powerful need and short productivity cycles.
“The chickens are in recovery mode, as long as they keep infections tested, the industry will continue to grow. But excessive will place in this development practice,” said Mr MOTHMAR.
The agricultural sector is about ten tenths of the country’s universal product (GDP) and provides a quarter of all tasks. PSA is scheduled to release GDP quarterly data in Jan. 30 (Thursday).
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