ITC DEMERGER: ITC Hotels Arrested in List January 29, 2025

ITC Ltd. It has announced that its hotel business has been dropped, will be listed on Stock exchange list on January 29, 2025. This notes the company’s important movement after the approval of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the BSE.
Distribution information and allocation details
As for ITC notice, ITC notice has given access to 1,25,85,71,71,710 distribution. For example, if the owner of the shares of 1,000 ITC shares will accept 100 ITC stocks for returning.
The Cost of Achisition for ITC Shareholders is Apporteleders ITC and ITC Hotels Shares, With Approximately 86.49 Per Cent of the Being Associated With ITC Shares.
Market expectation ITC Hotels
According to Nuvama, Market production of hotel hotel free hotels may be around Rs 42,000. Based on this measurement, it may be that ITC’s ITC Hotels are approximately RS 200. The target includes division of shares, with ITC holding 39.88 percent of the hotels of ITCs, and 60.12 percent are managed by the community.
DERMGER caused some fluctuation on ITC stock price. Besides being repaired, analysts keep a good idea in the company, many experts in the best work. NAVAMA also continues to hope with hopes of ITC growth, with a decline in a sharp increase in cigarettes during the future budget.
The ITC hotel list is an important time of the company, as well as the good news of the market, can provide opportunities for new growth. ITC’s Techniques Displaying Business will allow investors to properly track the operation of each part, with both FMCG and importing sectors receiving increasing focus.