Ahmed al-Sharra was named as president at a time of change

The Rebel co-operation holds Syria’s control last month and appointed its leader, as President of the country to oversee the time of change, Syria said on Wednesday.
Col spokesman. Hassan Abdel Ghani, and announced that the Constitution was reduced under the state of the country, according to the State News Agency, according to State News Agency, according to the State News Agency, according to the State News Agency, according to the State News Agency, according to the State News Agency, according to State News Agency, according to the State News Agency, according to the State News Agency,
The announcements are caused by the first steps in the country by establishing new government after the unity of the Rebel Coalition Leaded by the Group Tahrir al-Sham, or HTS, who climbed a crushing month Mr. Assad. Mr. Al-Shara, who led the alliance, has since been working as a Fu Fu Fuder leader.
Like the president of the Reform Empire, Mr. Al-Sharas will be HELM the same time in Syria, which was ruled by a metal fist of over 50.
Almost 14 years of civil war that left Syria was very distracted, Mr. Al-Shara tries to compile many confused groups under one government. But it was not clearly not clear that there was a wide consensus between those groups by his appointment as a provident time or time.
The announcements on Wednesday was published during the Damascus convention between HTS and leaders from rebellious rebels against Mr Al-Assad. By making the Jewish flames for that forom, HTS leaders seemed to try to show that Mr. Al-Shara had won supported for the support of different rebellious groups.
However, HTS officials did not publish any information when the rebels were present at the assembly or procedure, leaving uncertainty that it was before these steps.
As HTS was arrested at the beginning of December, Mr Al-Shara has set higher state, including rebuilding, and liberating the country by described the government – especially during a long civil war.
“What Syria needs today is greater than ever,” she said in the ways mentioned by baby in Wednesday. “Just as we were determined to rescue him from the past, our work is now commitment to rebuilding and progress.”
But many Syriars asked if Mr. Al-Shara will be able to bring the horses.
Her Muslimese team appeared over the years from Al Qaeda and Mr Al-Shara they have a $ 10 million right on her head for years. The American Advisel Committee authorities are announced in Damascus visits last month when they planned to fraud.
Mr. Al-Shara is now expected to establish a provisional council to govern the country up to a new constitution, according to Sa. The Council will be given a state of disarray, after Mr. Assad fled in December.
The Syrian economy is destroyed and its money is worthless. Parts of the country are still Kurdish and some soldiers who are contrary to or not completely reflect the Rebels Coalitions Mr. Al-Shara. And solidarity is high, with very few fights to maintain safety throughout the country.
As he took the capital, Mr Al-Shara and his friends also planted leaders from their healing government in the North West of Idelib – known as Syrian government – Damascus. Many of those things in officials believe more technology, leaving other Syrians who question their intentions and skills.
Many of those officials are as many as Sunni Muslim Muslim, more anxiety between the many South African population including Shiites, Drs, Christians and others.
In December, HTS officials placed a reasonable time frame to establish a new everlasting government in Syria. They say that within three months, they were planning a conference with the public leaders, professors, intellectuals, and others – including many Syrian religious systems – discussing Syria members.
It is not clear after Wednesday if the rebels have been organized to make a meeting with the public leaders before the March 1?
The group also said that the creation of the new Constitutional Committee in the coming years, according to HTS leaders, and invented the art program to try the people in dictatorship. Al-Assad.
Reham who lights up to report.
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