How many gold is the United States hosting?

Making Money Charles Payne addresses of the conspiracy ideas for whether there is gold at Fort Knox.
Elon Musk and his government department of government must quickly search US Gold Cold Conserves based on billions of communication.
Musk Saturday wrote on X and asked questions if the US Gold Resebos were revised for a year, when Sen. Rand Paul, R-ky., “Let’s do it.
“Who confirms that gold was not stolen from Fort Knox? Maybe there, perhaps not. The gold is not. Mike Lee, says it has been denied Fort Knox.
He later sent “looking for gold at Fort Knox” with the Southern Memerk Meeme: “Annd it is gone.” Musk also replied to Alex Jones in X to say, “It will be better to make live video movement of Fort Knox!”
Elon Musk’s Doske is preparing to explore US Gold Batches in Fort Knox after the accumulation of Sen. Paul Paul
The inventor of the SpaceX Nettery Elon Musk asked that gold is lost in Fort Knox and signed by the DOGA to monitor US gold fees. (Anna Moneymaker / Getty)
Among the comments of the conspiracy, the coalition government confesses with reports that describe its gold letters and gold letters in its various locations across the country. Those monthly reports include even if gold is caught in the deepest storage or stock performance available in the US Mint for the purpose of setting up the exported coins.
Includes the weight of the gold storage areas at Troy Euncos and its number of book in dollars. The amount of the book is not the amount of gold but instead referring to the total amount of troy ounces expanded by the amount established by law ($ 4222) established in 1973.
The amount of gold market is about $ 2,900 with Feb. 17, which is about 68 times the book’s letter as defined under the Act 1973.

Fort Knox Base Base Base The Kentucky is a Gold Billion Depository. (Jon Cherry / Getty Photos)
What is determined by DOGE to date?
The renewal of the Treasury recently published in Jan 31 and noted the following:
Fort Knox – The Treasurer reported more than 147.3 million Troy ounces of a gold-round global storage in the Kentucky fishing area, with a $ 6.2 billion book.
West Point Mint – The Treasurer reported over 54 million of the Troy Busion OCS in depth storage at West Point, New York, and a number of book more than $ 2.2 billion.
Denver Denver – This report shows more than 43.8 million ounces of Troy

The Treasurer holds gold-holders, some of which are used by the US MINT to create coins. (Stock)
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The active stock of Mint – In every treasurer, the report noted over 2.7 million gold ounces managed as US MINT stock creating gold coins. Architated areas as Working Stock had $ 117,5 million books.
Federal Reserve Billion – The Treasury listed two gold items held by the Federal Reserve in New York Vault – one item written over $ 564.8 million.
The Federal Reserve characters – The report also calculated two gold characters held by the Federal Reserve Banks. One of the 1,993 troy ounces are the amount of a letter of $ 84,162, and the other has 377 troy ounces and the amount of book of $ 15,936.
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