Chancellor needs to stop trusting in the sale of the future and re-get an economic strategy for the moment

Audit of Books, Tax and Blincory Blick Rothenberg Calling in Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, re-evaluating his Way of the UK economy.
According to colleagues Simon Gleerson, a government focus on long infrastructure projects, long infrastructure projects consider political and economic facts.
“Chancellor gave a talk today that explains his plans making up the improvement of the UK growth,” said Gleerson. However, “Growing” seems to be a greater experience – the rest of the challenges that put real challenges facing large infrastructure programs, such as HS2 and its expenses. “
Gleerson Asked Chancellor’s short term pain, creating a ‘Silicon “valley’ between Oxford and Cambridge devoting to ‘£ 22 billion black hole’ is still part of a economic discussion,” add.
Instead, Greonon said that Dancellor should put policies that could produce quick, continuing growth. “The UK economy treads down,” he said. “Critical Critical Changes can be a government ‘Cu’lpa Cubpa’ that admits Mistep and gives a quick solution, rather than one target.”
He explained that shortcuts and reviewing these national contributions will have a good impact family income, job creation, and the increase of smaller generations, including the latest work. “To turn on investment from pensioners from a driving of business and a reasonable way to create workpieces,” said Gleedo, emphasizing that any other uncertainty can damage both businesses and businesses.
The community, Gleerson went on, “tired to hear ‘the last government’,” and now you need concrete action from current management. “Throwing and talking about the future, long-term intentions is not enough,” he said. “We need a clear economic strategy that produces visible outcome.”