Most of the many are injured in Stampede Maha Lbo Festival in northern India

The injured stage of people who are married on Wednesday as tens of thousands of Hindu Hindu baths in the river north of India, the local medical media said.
Depressed families increased hospital hospital in the backroom of inquiring about their lost relatives, while the frees help the injured and the police tried to manage the crowds.
People like clothing, blankets and backpacks were not worried at the scene. It was not immediately quite quite a panic or how many people were damaged.
The Meage of Maha Bo, who was caught in 12 years, started in Jan. 13 And he is a great gathering of the great religion on earth. The authorities expect more than 400 million people to arouse a complete walk on the following six weeks.
Authorities have built a tent-filled town in the city of the river to live by the guests. It has 3,000 kitchens and 150,000 toilets, and roads, electricity, social media towers and 11 hospitals.
About 50,000 security staff are not in the city to keep the law and order and treat crowds. Stamps are often like India religious festivals, where large crowds meet in small areas.
In 2013, at least 40 strangers were participated in the festival were killed by stamps at the train station in worship.
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