The Iraqi man who made the Quaran burning in Sweden killed by shooting

The Iraqi man who made several burns of the Quran in Sweden killed near the Stockholm, officials said on Thursday.
Salwan Mom Mothers, 38, called several heat and shooting of Islamic Solic book in Sweden in 2023
Thousands of protesters meet in Iraq on 2 Day to judge the Quran burn in Sweden
The Stockhon’s District Court said the decision was scheduled for temptation when Monyaka was accused because one of the charges had died. In court judge, Göran Lunduhl confirmed that the deceased was a mother. He said he didn’t know how to grow.
Salwan Mom Mothers talks in Malmö, Sweden, September. 30, 2023. (Johan Nilsson / TT News Agency with AP)
Police said he was warned on Wednesday night at night at the apartment building at Sodermje, near Stockholm, and found a man with later shot wound later.
Broadcaster SVT reported that the victim was the mother.
Prosecutors say five people were arrested for the night with allegedly killing. They said all adults but did not give more information.
Prosecutor Rasmus Öman said the investigation was at the beginning of the other and others still had to be asked.
Mbaka came to Sweden from Iraq in 2018 and was given permission for three years by 2021, according to Svt.
Prime Minister Uprisus said the Sweden security service involved because “it is clear that there is a contact in other countries,” says Sweden News TT.
Momica argued that his protests had refersed to Islam, not Muslim. He said he wanted to protect the wealth of the Swedish people in the Quran Scriptures. Sweden police allowed his protests, expressing freedom of speech, when he put on charges.
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In the last Marwad, he was arrested in Norway neighbor after saying that he would want to be blessed there, restored to Sweden, was reported.
Momica and the Appella, the officer was charged with August for promoting hate because of the statements made in respect of Quran burning. The decision had to be given Thursday morning.
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