After violence from Guatemala, their child was killed in an American school

Joselin Cora Esselante was nine years old when he and his mother and a younger brother left the Guatemala to look for shelter in the United States, believed it would give them safety.
They ended in Tennessee, where Joselin – his family called his Dallana, his middle name – celebrated Joining 1523 per springing quencheña.
Yet, last week, another student shot and killed Joselelin, 16, in his high school restaurant. Now his family is waiting for shelter, he asks you are worth living. The main reason for a attacking journey to the United States – on foot, about two months – fearing that Joselin and his brother will be captured or killed in Guatemala’s group.
“We had a better life dream,” said her father, Germany said in Spain this week. “But the fact is that it is not better anywhere. In Guatemala, you have never heard of a person who kills someone at school.”
He and his wife already made one beaten decision: Shipping Joselin’s body to return to Guatemala’s burial, the way to ensure that they will decide – or leave – to leave the United States. Mr Cora came into the country before his wife and children and it was not part of the Asylum case, so you are at high risk of dismissal.
“This is the world that takes away me,” said Mr Rea. “And if one day we return to our country, you’ll be with us there.”
Josselin has been flourishing in Nashville, where he liked to sing and play soccer. He had refused three days’ journey to make sure he was not missing school. He wanted to be a doctor, his uncle, Carlos Corea, said: “The doctor saves lives, and this was not good for him.”
By Jan. 22, a student who had said police to finish the hateful rhetoric and brought a gun to high school in Antioch Nashville. He opened fire, killing Joselin and hurt another disciple before shooting them. Police did not say that the shooter was intended Joordelin.
The moon was 2025, at least 15 firing on school campus, according to K-12 School School Shooting Database.
Joordin’s loss, which had been pasted for his family, moved some of them to speak.
“I’m not afraid – I tell the truth, telling people how I feel,” said Carlos Corea in Spanish.
That is why he and another Joselelin’s fellow Joulan Cora, found in Tennessee State State Capitol on Monday, were surrounded by a crowd of democratic workers, students and gunmen. When they left the nearby church where they held Joselelin’s funeral, they saw people gathered with their nephews and understood what was happening.
“We have never thought we can be in this position, but we wanted to give our message,” he said later. The two men carrying Joskeyin’s photographers, quinceaña and a glorious red dress.
There were also a firearm controlling protests earlier, especially in 2023 after three students’ killings and three employees in the private school. However, lawmakers arrived against the Construction of State Immittion Czar, the mob in the protest was arrested together threat to receive human arrival.
By translator, Carlos Corea spoke to a crowd in the name of his family. When they are happy, he raised a fist in the air.
At the introduction of the home where they gathered for a weekly meal, Joselin’s relatives have failed to rest. Her Uncle Juan has thought about the dance they joined to his birthday, where he told Joordelin his love. Her father thinks of activists in his name.
“We are in search of, but what I am telling all parents who have taken their children in school: Don’t let it remain that way,” he said. “Continue to do what you can in order to be the justice of our children. If we keep our hands tied, this will continue to happen again.”
While Antioch High School was also opened, with extra school official and the new metal retailers, Josephin’s cousins have been at school with him so afraid to return. They will register soon at a new school in a new school, according to family members.
On Thursday, the pink’s pink box was loaded on the plane of his trip to Guatemala. There he, his grandparents and aunts they wait.
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