St. John Bosco take ex-CEO, Backs Coach of Ad Refezzment Allegations

Ust. John Bosco High replied on Thursday to be led to court in court, a football coach Jason Negro and Negro’s statement and refers to the trust of one of three consumers.
A statement from FR. Mel Trinidad, Provincial Vendor and Temporary President John Bosco said Brick Wicktrom was expelled as a school president in July because “the school revealed by a loan without approval and benefits, and violated his basic services.”
The Wickstrom Attorney, a broken Thursday, is forbidden these allegations.
The statement is different from the Fulfillment of the court expected immediately in St. John Bosco will serve as a formal answer in the case. Fulfillment is required within 30 days of the defendants are being held responsible for the case of January second week.
Wickthrom of some of the other former melanie Marcaurel managers and Derek Barraza said the annual reported of the right year and returned and restored more injuries.
The case means Negro – a highly considered Est John Bosco coach in 2013 and 2022 – high-quality players, to say payments were coming from “unknown donors.”
Los Angeles County Superior Nokler’s Court and Negro has made a finance tax relief associated with its water plan. The accusers asserted that they were restricted by the vendors for the restoration of Negro.
Trinidad did not meet those allegations in his statement, without standing with NEGRO.
Zerated Statement in Wikestrom, who worked at Stints as the Athletic Director of the University of University of Insaven of San Antonio and the University of Louisiana Monroe before he was employed by St. John Bosco on July 2020.
“School has given a plaintical lawyer the opportunity to provide any documents or financial explanation,” the statement said. “No information or explanation provided. Instead, these schools against the school, the shores and the Negro coach was installed.
Wickstrom responded to the statement of Trinidad for his lawyer, Rob Hennig.
“My father Mel Trinidad shot Brian Wickstrom illegally without the authorization of Bossco’s directors,” said the statement. “Wicktrom was expelled because he had the courage to try to catch Jason Negro and turn himself over by Negro behavior as in detail in the 17th of the 17-mail space.
“At the time of the Wickstrom’s dissolution, Trinidad has not been financially non-financial or other misconduct. Indeed, it can only be when Wikerstrom has directly suggested Bosco.
“Obviously, Bosco does not respond to Winckrom’s claim that it was expelled by trying to catch Negro and then Negro was hosted by a large number of books.
Financial Services Company, ITRIA ENTRICE, STIED ST. John Bosco, Willstrom and the Chief Financial Officer, Jeff Wachi, in March issued on February 2023. Wachi was replaced by Marcaure immediately afterwards.
Trinidad said in his statement that consumers recognized by financial advisers not recognized but that WitackTrom were “threatened to accent in court to prevent financial advisers representing and work.”
In the meantime, according to the latest case, Marcaue and Wicktrom tried the last year to complete the Negro’s Pership program and Marcaerel issuing the “Repairing Proposal” which includes hiring a confirmed public account.
The Sales command replaced by sending advisers to Jay Conner and Katriy Vriy Vivia, what it means to “use the business office of its current employees and SQUELCH TO ANSWER.”
Financial payments in Negro coaches were reported as income in NEG financial service or California Franchise Tax Board, “Negro, packaging and use of a number of footballs.
Negro said in the Tuesday statement “[a]n The independent investigation has already been done and all the facts will come to the appeal. ”
“This claim has been in our lawsuit’s hands,” said the coach, “and our school will respect all questions.”
Betterly after the Shockrom and Marcarel was shot by Trinidad, St John Bosco has issued a statement that announces additional leadership participation.
“For the past few months, the secocian community participated in a period of understanding regarding how you can set up a successful SJB position,” the statement said. “It was clear from FR. Mel Trinidad, other provincial members in Sectocian Society, and SJB to play a major role in directing school leadership and holding their future.”
NEGRO is represented by the powerful attorney of Brian Panish case, St John Bosco Alumnus and the hourly provider of $ 7.2 Panish Family Stadium. According to his company’s website, his court conquest includes a $ 4.9 decision
A 5,000 soccer field opened in 2018, and at the time, Panish was grateful to thank the St John Bosco Education, telling the press papers. … I went there at my life when I didn’t have all my prices organized, and they helped me to improve my spiritual moral, physical and practice. “
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