The FDA approves the gartavx medicine to treat pain without addiction risk

Drug and drug management allowed a new drug tree to heal the pain in harm or in action. It is expensive, with a price of a list of $ 15,50 each pill. But in contrast with opioid pain, it cannot be addictive.
That is because the medicine, Suzergine, made by the Vertex Pharmaceuticals and sold as gayavx, applies only to the pain outside of the brain, blocking the pain signals. Cannot enter the brain.
The investigators say they expect them to be the first of the new generation of drugs with power to relieve pain.
Examination, the vertex, is based in Boston, held two large clinics, each containing about 1,000 patients in surgery. They were randomly assigned to find a placebo; Finding an opioid sold as vicodin, a combined combination of acetaminophen pain (Tylenol) and hydrocodone; or to find a suzitrigine.
In another case, patients had Abdominoplasty, or Tummy Tuck. In some cases, they had Buneonectomy. Suzezetrigine’s side effects reported by patients were similar to those reported by the placebo.
The company also sent data from 250 people to test drug and tolerance to patient patients in surplus, abusers or accidents.
Suzitrigine reduced the pain as Opioid compound. Both were better than a placebo selling pain.
Suzetrigine’s price, however, is more higher than acetaminophen and hydrocode. Patients are expected to take two pills a day, at the full cost of $ 31 per day. The old tree said, said Dr. John D. Loer, a pain professional at the University of Washington, “dirt” in Pennies per pill.
But Sevitrigine does not have the negative effects of ‘unpleasant results like nausea and hypocrisy, and it is empty.
“There are many people, when they have opioid, they want opioid every time,” says Dr Loomer.
About 85,000 people a year were addicted to taking doctor’s opioid, said Dr David Alonbyer, the main science officer in Vertex. It is a small part of 40 opiaids per year for great pain – to surgery, accidents or grief – but has a large number, deaths.
The Story of Suzetrigine started at the end of the 1990s of the basic study by Dr Stephen Waxman Waxman died. He wondered how the nerve cells show pain in the brain.
Nerve cells have nine channels of sodium – small molecular batteries – produce electric signals.
But, he saw, two of those channels only work outside the brain. Someone, called NAV1.7, is like a FIRACRACKER fuse, said Dr Waxman. Nerve Cell Activates Nav1.7. That sign, while working, worked for a second channel, Nav1.8, which mean, said, sending glimpses of pain in the brain.
It seemed that a drug can prevent the NAV1.7 or nav1.8 can be a powerful pain medicine that you can’t have brain, so he will not be addictive. (Dr. Waxman is not paid by Vertex, but consulted with other companies working in the same medicines.)
But there was another part of the puzzle: Did these results of the lab is used to people?
When the laboratory work he guessed, people with genuine nuts made of nav1.7 or nav1.8 Fire is always on continuous pain. And people with the opposite conversion – one blocking channels – should not feel painful.
Both types of genetic transformation can rarely, if any.
Dr. Waxman has contacted the pain doctors in all northern hemisphere, asking if they have patients with pure pain that could be done for excessive excessions. He came empty.
Then, in 2004, the Erythromandalgia Association told him about the family in Alabama who had his members sentenced in pain. Most were over addicted opioids and failed to go to school or work. Their condition was called “man on fire syndrome.”
Dr. Waxman and colleague found that members of the family with the NAV1.7 channels have made their pain affected the fireplace.
One group of investigators reported that the family in Pakistan his members did not feel pain that was changed to prevent the same station in shooting. People called them firefighters because they could go with hot charcoal and feel anything, they had done the money.
Vertex’s new drug, which keeps the NAV1.8 channel, is very special – some sodium channels are left alone with the drug. Suzitrigine’s results disappears when people stop taking pills.
But although people with great pain can require such medication, there is another team that requires a few good medicines, those with permanent pain, called chronic pain, called the lasting pain that group includes people with disease. of diabetes, which we can do hands or feet hurt or walk, among other symptoms. It also includes people with Lumbosacral Radicalral, or the nervous nerves in the spine. Sciatica is one option of this situation.
In small lessons, the vertex found that Sazersigine helped those with diabetes, but they are not better than place to the spinal nerve.
However, Dkt Author It said, the company continued great lessons in both patient groups. While analyzers and researchers saw the results disappointing in their lines, the company decided that there were no approved drugs.
“No one has ever helped these four million people,” he said.
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