Trump guarantees 100% tax rates against BRICS countries

Breitbart Economics and Finance Editor JohnY cut off President Donald Trump for threatening tax prices and reduce NPR’s Fact-Check on ‘
In a visible bid to keep the US global economic sovereignty, President Donald Truite and threatened his fined funding for BRICS.
The President asks that countries will be threatening not by the BRICS or allowing money to donate US Dollar Hegemony.
“The idea that the countries trying to get BrICS tried to move away from the dollar, when we were standing and started,” Trump warn about Social Truth on Thursday.
Trump warns countries of brics when they try to replace the dollar: ‘100% taxes’
President Donald Trump talks about reporters about the crash collision of American aircraft near Ronald Reagan Heart in the nearest white elinf. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Pictures)
BRICS Dictionary Referring to Brazilian nations, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, even though the Bloc includes a few other countries.
“We will need the commitment of these unkind countries that he will not create new BRICS money, or return to another US powerful Money or, they will face 100 prices, and they should expect that one selling to the Wonderful US economy,” Trump continues
“They can go and find a crisis. No opportunity to replace the US dollar to trade in other countries, or any country, and any country that will say that Let’s go to be in America!” Concluded.
Putin, an oath of xi to ‘deeper’ for the unified hours after repeating Trump in a white house

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Chinese President China Xi jinping (L) shake hands as they went to the 16th Briics conference in Kazan 22, 2024. (Kristina Kormilitsyna / Photohost Agency / Anadolo with Getty Photos)
Trump, who has just taken over and last week, had released the same threat to Social media in November.
The euro Pacific Elementment Economist Economist and Global Strategistist Peter Schiff, discussing his unknown Podat “Peter Schiff Show,” sustained after Trump response last year.
“You have a background relationship. Trump of November of threatening.
Putin welcomes Iran, India, China to the Brics Summit to discuss ‘New World Order’ to challenge the west

Russian President Vladimir Putin, China Xi jinping President and Indian premier Narendra Narendra Modi observed during the existing presence of BriCs in Kazan, Russia in the Oct. 23, 2024. (Alexei Danichev / Photohost Agency / Anadolo Via Getty Pictures)
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Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Indonesia, and the Bloc members, according to opponents.
Brazil, carrying the BRICS Presididies this year, suggesting that Saudi Arabia is a member of Brics, but the economic minister and alignirim has recently been invited to Bloomberg Telochovesion when the nation was invited to make a decision.
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