Rules of Live Laws Scontie Steffler Pebbler Pebble Pob Keep Save

James Colgan
Scottie Schuffler makes a para mirror from the sea on Friday at AT & T Pebble Beach Pro-am-am.
GETTY photos
Pebble Beach, Calif. – Scottie Schuffler may not tolerate a glass, but is allergic in a boodys.
The world no. 1 has a brightest skill skills, but maybe no one is better than his gift of good results.
“I have never – and this man is another tong, this is in golf history,” Scheffler’s friend Mory Mcilroy. “I don’t think I’ve seen golfer playing many BOGEY-free cycles as Scottie. It doesn’t just make mistakes. It is very impressive.
Those words appear on Tuesday morning at AT & T Pebble Beach Pro-am, and only took it up to Friday afternoon no. The situation came into the 18th Tee box, after Scheffler was swallowed with a driver over the famous Cliffside. After discussion with the Laws Officer in the text TEE, Schuffler Trekked down the beach to find his ball hiding a large number of small oceans. After the next conversation – Caddy chat, Scheffler removed many rocks from his road, caught a wedding, and presented his ball back to the street. The way two putras later, was still enjoying – and admittedly “Lucky” – par.
It was a time that Schefferler Schuffler – Rare Miestep followed by four consecutive strokes completely. Even his account records make a sound sound.
“Look at the ball, dropped there, I found my ball, moved him, beat it, hit it in a green, laid, bound.
But this situation was helped a great change in the legal law book; The 2019 Changes in the Rules around “Dreaming Dissery” Scheffler said Indicate all the difference.
“[If I hadn’t been able to remove the rocks]However, I do not know if I was able to find my ball on the stones in front of me, “said Schuffler.” I don’t really take that to look at it. I would be thinking that I couldn’t get it out above. I think I had tried not to hit it [if I hadn’t been able to move the rocks]For if I rocked, I’m back from the tee box hit my fourth bodies. “
Fast repetition: Back in 2019, USGA and R & A RED updated for the presented golf ranking update 15.1 Includes loose pollution. Under the new laws, the players were free to remove free barriers anywhere in the golf course, randomly folded limits where they could not be removed.
There is different from the new law 15.1, which includes the loose quotation that the player’s ball can continue in the area, locate the player receiving a 30-shooting penalty. That was said Scheffler had to leave a single solemn stone on the left of the ball. Besides, he was free to clear space under his ball with a simple chip.
“For old rules I think I may have been back because of the rocks near my football and my imperfections to do more,” he said. “But that you can move other rocks and make a simple shooting.”
Schuffler escapes in 18 year on Friday at 7 week, seven guns to correct the symbol set by the Runaway Septraka leader. It’s been a normal normal week in Monterey for the World No. 1 Bopeys to nine birds Two first days represents a feat beneath his ordinary levels.
“I think as two last days here I didn’t feel at high quality,” she said. “I think when you look at my stripes and get the numbers of the soccer vipers, they may not be close to the unusual cleanliness and I think my rust back under me and play a golf tournament.
It would be foolish to expect that Scheffler gets his game out of the gates after two months from the playing game, but what we have seen so far is not difficult to worry.
“To have only two boards, one of them had a semi-shank, beautiful,” said. “Definitely 18, little good luck stored at least BOGEY.”
Fortunately, maybe, but that’s the new Scottie Schuffler sufferers. Her score? Not so much.

James Colgan
The editor
James Colgan News and Planning Golol Planning features, writing materials of the booklet and magazines. It treats MIC hot media, vertical golf, and uses her camera experience in all product platforms. Before joining golf, James graduated from Syracuse University, during this time was a student of Caddy Scholarpship (and astute Looper) on a long island. Can be reached in
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