Thousands of US government webpages have been reduced since Friday

More than 8,000 web pages for all US government websites have been decreased from Friday afternoon, as Organizational institutions analyze the Trump Presidential Orders References. “
Sources have removed the injections, the care of veterans, hate and scientific research, among other topics. Doctors, researchers and other professionals often depend on such government information and counseling. Some government agencies seem to remove all parts of their websites, while others shorten only a few pages.
Between the pages headed down:
(Links are stored versions.)
More than 3,000 pages appear Disease Management Centers and Disease Preventionincludes a thousand research articles filled with chronic engineering, STD treatment guidelines, details relating to the symptoms of Alzheimer’s symbols and pregnant guidelines (the use of “pregnant” means.
More than 3,000 pages appear in Census BureauMost of them are replenished under the study and method. Some lost pages include data management policies and texts for many data sets and surplus.
More than 1,000 pages appear Office of the Systems of JusticeIncludes a feature of youth dating and blog postings about grants to fight against crime.
More than 200 pages appear Head StartSlow-earned children program, including advice to help families to develop paths and videos by preventing the postpartum pressure.
More than 180 pages from Department of JusticeIncludes all the criminal criminal details and seven pages discussing hate crimes against LGBTQ.
Near the 150 pages from Drugty and Mental Health Services Administrationincluding more than 50 media announcements regarding the use of a national disaster risk after firing or natural disasters.
More than 100 pages appear in Eating food for drugsincludes more than 60 directions in articles such as creating diversity in clinical trials and addictive opportunities and abuse in drug tests.
About 50 research sheets from Scientific and Technical Information Office. Deleted papers organize multiple fields, including optics, chemistry and testing drug.
More than 25 pages from Internal Financial ServicesIncludes video text “Here is how you can avoid the fines of IRS and interest” and private schools should bring annually to ensure the racial discrimination.
Two research notifications from Nuclear Control Commission – but notifications only since the year 2000. Notifications from before and after 2000 remaining.
20 web pages from National Institute for Science and Technologyincludes a page that describes a page for the organization’s organization organization organization.
18 pages appear Health Resources and Services Managementincluding toolbar to care for women with opioid and FAQ addiction and FAQs about MPPX vaccine.
18 pages appear The US Patent and Trademark officeincludes the pages relating to Veterans’ Innovation and Business Men and the High School Teaching Program.
Eight pages appear Department of InteriorIncludes many environmental methods (phrase “ecological justice” may contribute to the release of certain pages).
Three pages appear Veterans department of news: In the care of LGBTQ Veteran, the care of small veteran and the equality of Louisiana’s health care system.
Two pages from Marshals serviceThe other connection is connected to the revision of repairing standards and other links in the Department of Reading and Department.
Many lost pages are relevant to Trump Administros – for the 5 PM Friday order – to eliminate any programs that promote “sexual ideas,” with withdrawal of media can do that.
In most cases, the issued pages are specified as words such as “installation” or “transterender.” It is not clear why some pages have been removed; How many pages will be removed forever; And how many are not returned with updates.
And things are onflux: Since Friday, few pages are dropping and returning online; Some stay well at 5 PM on Friday and were removed recently. Some government pages, while located, have already been locked with different, gender, and climate change, as reported by Washington Post with others.
Overall, the pages represent a small number of pages of the billions handed at government domains – about one tenth of one percent of all pages of all pages.
What are the times made
On Friday, the times have feasured the most visited government list in the US and began to include a complete list of pages that are located in each Web site and usually used for search engines tracking the internet. (Other sites, including and, were not included in our analysis because we could not identify the complete list of web pages on their sites, or other technologies, we were able to see more than 150 million pages.
We have repeated this process several times on Friday night and Saturdays, and compared our new list of websites and those at the beginning.
It is difficult to capture all one change in a large website system as those who kill a federal government. Some things to be remembered:
Our way has other trading. We have chosen to measure changes to government websites using tips instead of trying to download a complete copy of millions of Web page. This allowed us to measure the largest range of changes rapidly, but it means that we may have missed the circumstances where the pages were not removed but also a higher planning.
This is a summary. In their efforts to make certain pages to accompany the order order, officials across the government may take wide sites of sites while making changes. Thus, some pages may return online. For example, CDC, already featuring many pages returning after the internet. And the Sandia National Lauratories website, Research and Development website under the contractor with the Department of Energy, was lasting Friday and Saturday, but it was down in the morning.
Our statistics can be less than false. We only looked at governmental sites most visited, and as discussed above, some sites were outside our analysis. But sites we explored represent the majority of many pages many people visited.
Our statistics can be extremely exaggerated. Some of the pages we identified as lost may have been moved to the new URL that could not see. (Counted URLs as we have been removed if we find out that they also receive different pages, such as a website’s home list.) Articles and titles taken on the bottom suggests that maybe not, on average, but it is possible.
We do not have ways compared to changes in other treatment. Although government websites often change between management, this weekend change appears to be more accurate than those previously past. Nevertheless, we do not have the same methods from previous fighting.
Statistics are like 9 mornings Sunday.
Josh Katz including Andrew Fischer reported reported.
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