Belgium – Belgium has a new political ceremony with his political purpose for a long time to break up the nation, the Guts the more and give more independence in his north.
Barte de Wiver has taken the initiative on Monday, she looks straight at the King Philippe, the latest king of a household had a little because it symbolized the old Belgian idea.
“I swear by the Lord,” he said.
It was one of which times change the times of independence periods are highly highly in the prospect of gradual change between the Dutch Flanders, 6.7 million, 3.7 million, 1.2 million.
The prime minister and the lead ministers take the oath in Dutch and French while several other members from the 15-member team were holding up in their language in the royal palace.
“You will … don’t get to the government and wait until the whole system is taken. I never believed in that,” told the newspaper Dade Stamaaard. “Another option is to take part when you can, and find things for your community, and that’s what we’ve done.”
He says: “When you don’t participate, you certainly leave empty,” he added.
Language issues have been woven in the last century, as French-in-laws are gradually made while the economic pires in Walonia begins and economic energy in the Flanders.
De Wiver of the Flamish Natitionaliast N-Van Party succeeds Alexander de CROO, who has been living in the office as a caregiver from the June anniversary last year. De and De Wiver will join the leaders of European Union in the Conference in Brussels after Monday.
“We will have a government that will undermine the budget, apply the relevant social policy, the efficient function, use a sturdy policy, and deposit money safely,” N-Da said in a statement.
It is urgently – gender balance. When De CROO won the QUASI PARTITY between men and women in his group, only there are three women in his 15 team, and none among the four opposers. He said he was suspicious, but he never made a key point in the forms of solidanism.
De Wiver brought the eclectic integration of five groups together to break the deadline for 7 months in conversations. The Flemish nation was financially given a firearm because the PUP Socialican, the political nemesis of the PS, lost their generations – descendants in Dollonia. Allowed a deal with free-Market Party.
In Flanders, the Socialist Socialist will be sure to be the foundations of the Belgium’s Welfare’s Society survive. A government program set to reduce social benefits to deal with the national budget. Overall, the nation has a debt that reaches 100% GDP, put it between the worst of the 27-national EU.
With the Voorout of the board, Francophone Mr Liberols, Centertrist CD & V Complete the In-Developer, Man1 controls 81 seats of the house to be comfortable.
The length of conflict lectures highlights whatever it is difficult to close the basic gaps between different groups.
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