Calls Calls In the National Buyer’s acquires grow at 10-fold, AI strengthens the renovation

The National Consumer Conpline (NCH) came up as a key point to repair brokers, 17 languages and Ai-Based Fundion’s hearing, Parliament told on Tuesday.
The number of telephones found by the NCH is grown over 10 – from 12 5553 in December 2015 to 1.55,138 in December 2024.
Similarly, the standard amount of registered petitions has reached 37,062 in 2017 to 1,12,468 in 2024.
In addition, the WHATSAF’s appeal has received the pressure, the percentage of complaints submitted to the platform as 3 percent in December 2023 to 18 percent of digital media, public attack, BL
Verma is written in Rajya Sabha. Helpline is available in 17 languages, including Hindi, Kashhri, Punjabi, Pali, Odiia, Assamese and Manipuri, allows consumers of all districts to register their complaints with the free number 1915.
“Helpline works in a given way from 8 AM to 8 PM in every seven days of the week, without national holidays, background access is found.
The number of converting partners’ organization has grown stronger from 263 companies in 2017 to 1,038 companies until now. NCH technology transformation has enhanced its capacity to manage the telephone.
In a great progress to improve the renovation of the complaints, the NCH has introduced the recognition of AI, translation system, and ai-enabled AI Chatbot as part of NCH 2.0 first step.
The power chatbot provides real-time assistance, directing the management processes, as well as improving the general user information.
This development ensures that consumers from different languages of languages have equal access to the appeal process.