BMW delays in electronic production in Oxford, more ‘more uncertain’

The BMW confirmed the delay in the production of electric car (EV) its production of its mini culture in Oxford, to blame the appearance of the Beleaguerered car sector.
Carman Carmak said the decision includes a smile by placing the center of the £ 600m of the center and reduced the Office of £ 60m to the government, although the conversation nearest Mendminster continues.
The UK industry has been aimed at the Government-Governmental purposes, known as zero to exit the vehicle (Zev) authority, which determines the part of the electric vehicles to sell. Long-term carmakers argue that these purposes are highly placed on Stellantis indicating the ZEV policy as an important decision of Leton Van Platsana’s closure last year.
Despite the recycling of the BMW of Teleses, it emphasizes the essentials of Oxford Investment to be followed. The construction work is reported that “proceed well”, including Logistics Logistics.
Minis production of the following elements of the following electricity began opened by 2026 launch, but revised schedules are still confirmed. The BMW spokesman noted: “You have been given much uncertainty to a car industry, the BMW party is currently reviewing the time to renew the production of electricity battery-electricity production in Oxford.”
Public authorities have notified the challenges facing the chemical and are currently consulting “and replenishing the 2030 vehicle’s vehicle decrease while protecting activities,” the Department of Transport comment. The ministers keep that more than £ 2.3BN be allocated to inspire both the industry and consumers to switch to electricity, and most manufacturers intended to achieve or the targets of existing ZV.