Baipal Holds 33 State Convention

The Bankers Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (Baiphel) They will hold its 33 national convention in Iloolo Convention Center (icon), Mandrriarria, Iloilo City on March 6-8, 2025.
Following the theme, “to adapt to cultural culture and cultural culture in terms of the Bank’s Dessions”, the meeting examines new artificial equipment, mechanical reading and other rich sites made by our ownership. Preparing for future in the bank, the meeting intends to understand the historical and cultural citizens of modern minds, and ensure that the Bank Management Technical Acts are included in the Periodic Periods, Unity and obligation.
“As we look at the future of Baikon, heads of Baikon provide stakeholders of our digital technology and industry leaders and centuries. Nigo Regalado III from Bangko Sentral Ngil Pilpinas (BSP).
The meeting is open to all directors, administrators and senior management in the Bank industry. Registration and more information, visit the Baitphel website at under the country bar.
The Baiphal is a non-profit organization; To begin with the intention of increasing efficiency and similarity, Bakelel is now recognized as one of the BSP Center Moral and Certificate Guidelines, the dissemination of the excellence, and promoting the best and efficient ways of developing sound financial system. Currently, Baiphel has 70 members of the institution; 170 Ask members and 99 Health Members of Deputy Support.
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