California Attre. Gen. Rob Bonta will not run the ruler by 2026

California Attre. Gen. GEN. Rob Bonta said Wednesday would not join the field full of democrats and replace Gov. Gavin Newlom in 2026 and replace the renovation of the highest legal office.
Bonta’s decision would delete several high-profile politicians and said they measure their campaigns, including former President Magasa Harris, a US leader.
Newloom is valid for its second time as a ruler and cannot run.
Bonta said last year that he “thought seriously” Running to the emperor. He told Seticolic, which started reporting the news, that he decided to keep his work now after Trump was quickly quickly.
Bonta has turned a face against California’s law on Trump Administration, they criticized over new EXECUCU order
Bonta recently joined other foreign lawmakers in the accusation of snow managers and the greatest order you wanted to end the viewpoint.
If Harris comes into the royal race, almost half of the voters will be somehow or somehow to be private, according to a vote made by the end of October, the UC Berkeley Institute of the Times.
About 72% of Democrats said they will be many or may consider Harris, if they are compared to 8% of the Republic and 38% of the voters without being popular.
Bonta told Politico that he didn’t directly to Harris about the racing ruler, but that he would be “great.”
“I would support her when she runs,” said Bonta. “I have been the support of him in all He has done. He would be to clear the territory.”
That field includes LT. Eleni Khalakis, State School Officer Tony Thulakhond, former Senate Senate Presoterate Pro Tinoni Villaragosa and former State Control Antonio Yee.
A different question in the Berkeley / Times Poll requested voters to select their first and second favorers list of current and potential students. (Harris was not included in the list because he continued the president where voting was held.)
The results emphasize that small remedies do not know how little herbal remains for the elections for elections, including some of the elected state-chosen authorities.
The poll found that Porter, who does not say that you will run, lead the package as first or second choice for voters.
Two reporters say that weighing campaigns, Iriverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco and Sen state.
Kountalakis, Villaraigoma each of the support of 7%. The Republican Commental Stevental Hilton, and said it had a bid weighed, it could be a first or secondary choice of 6% of the voters.
The poll was discovered that the Bonta, Attins and yee were under 5% support, as Cick Caruso, lost Los Angeles Lanhee Chen, winning the public administration elections in 2022.
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