DTI says we point out ‘offspring updated’ on FTA

By Justine Ireland D. Tabel, Reporter
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said that the “renewed interest” is the secondary of Trump Administration to the Examination of the Free Belatteral Trading (FTA) and the US.
“For renewable interest under Trump Administration, we hope to negotiate the nearest trade agreement with the highest generation of employees, socialism, Social Secretary, Social Secretary, Social Secretary Cristina A. Roque said in a statement on Wednesday.
According to DTI, the Philippines have been working with the US to increase access to global production chains.
“This includes a potal FTA to the Bolateral FTA, while financing the resurrection of the standard preferences (GSP), as well as the establishment of a critical agreement.
The Philippines was a beneficiary of the US GSP, completing jobs in 5,000 tax rows. However, the legalization of the outstanding program is in December 31, 2020.
“Export from the Philippines to the US unemployed under this Scheme now depends on prices,” said DTI.
“Philippines was fileThe beneficiary of the US GSP, which has $ 1.6 billion in a free post of $ 1.6 in the Free SAPTER in US in 2020, last year GSP started, “It added.
On February 4, Ms Roque attended the electricity security parliament, where he took the importance of freedom, right, and open trading in the Indo-Pacific region.
“The Indo-Pacific is a global economy engine, providing international GDP and 80% of the world’s trading. The Philippines, with its own Philippic and a strong economy, is ready to form local economic system,” said He.
The Philippines participates in major trading agreements such as the Economic Economic for Prouptenity (PEF).
“Our PEF is our commitment to the pursuit of double trading and economic interests with the US and other partners,” he said.
“It Supports Strategic Colabomation in Priority Sectors, Including Energy and Energy Transition, Climate Mitigation and Resilency, Good Governance, Supply Chins, and Critical Minerals,” He added.
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