Tata Power Share upgrade 4% of the Q3 Show post; Morgan Stanley sees 60% of the potential

The Tata Power is quickly on Wednesday (February 5, 2025) Rises 4 percent of the highlands of Rs 375 after depositing the combined income of December. In a quarter of reporting, the profit of the Tata Power Consolidated or Pat entered ERS 1,188 Crore, marks 8 percent increase compared to the corresponding year. In Q3fy24, Pat of the company stopped at Rs 1,076 crore. Zee Business Research Benefits of Reviews to Redeem than 11 percent annually to RS 956 Crore as another money was high during Q3fy24 percent.
Combated FY25 DECEMENT CONTRACTION WITH RS 15,118 Crore, when the same was RS 14,841 crore in the corresponding period of the past year.
Combined BitDa or earnings for priorities, taxes, decreases In Q3fy24, EbitDa is reported to Rs 3,250 crore.
Dr Praveer Sinha, CEO Power Director, Tata Power, said, “Bringing the ongoing growth of growth in the 15 trajectory trajectory and all our businesses contributed to this growth.”
Here’s how the Global Brokerer looked at the Tata Power posting its Q3 Exhibition
Hong Kong-Based Global Brokerage CLSA reblogged ‘Underperforo’ State in the Sticks Suggested in RS 351 from Rs 397 from 3 percent from 3 percent from the last 3 percent from the last percentage from the last.
As for the seller, the compiled company of integrated power has been enabled by the weakened work of their sponsored projects, conducting a low company benefit in 6. Also, the diagram revealed that the company’s gain was affected as a result of the decline in solar prices and spirit and its increased interest rates.
Coal benefit with each of the company’s total collateral college anniversary during Q3 after the fall of sea prices. The end of the bright area was a renewable companion of engineering, purchases, and construction business (EPC) as a result of the country’s innovation.
At that time, Morgan Stanley continues the bullish stiffness with a bull ‘passage’ and the target wearing Rs 583, which means more than 60 percent.