Trump proposes to take Gaza, measuring and building resorts

E FThe IRST was purchased by Greenland, then make Canada a state. Now Donald Trump wants to have Gaza broth.
The President Nomposed on Tuesday that the US should be ‘owned “with his” Gaza “Skrip,” Level Location “and develop, clearly calculating a 2 Palestine leaders who fought hard to keep the weaknessing of a weakened fire.
During the conference of the media and the Premier of Israel Benjamin and Tanyahu, Trump set the US sweeping program to make Colonzo Gaza and build resorts. “I don’t want to be good. I don’t want to be a smart boy, but – the Middle East Rivier. This may be very good,” says Trump.
The idea will improve a conflict of centuries for the landowners on the east of the Mediterranean east of the Palestine. Netanyahu did not waste the idea. “I think it is worth the attention. We talk about it,” said Tanyahuu. “I think that is something that can change history, and it is appropriate to pursue this idea.”
Trump’s Outland Eutland-Estate Pitch Missing During a Critical Contract Agreement in Jan. And among Jahas and Israel, as Israel still tried to find dead Israelites while Hamas suffered. OWNERSHIP OF THE GAZA Strip and Israel Land is a Central Part of the Conflictions, With Hamas Leaders Threatening Another Invasion and Right-Wing Israeli Settlers Continue
More than two million Palestinians live in Gaza, where many lands and live there in many generations. Trump proposes to ignore all that history and to have owned, referred to rebuilding in Palestinians as a cause for such transmission. “The US will take Gaza strips, and we will do the work with it too. When asked who would spend there, he said: “I see the vigor that mankind dwells there.”
Trump’s viewpoint has decided to imagine what you think about the neighbors of Israel and Jordan that the Palestinians should not be removed permanently in Gaza homes. Mike Waltz, National Security Counselor, said Trumped the Egyptian President Adel al SiSi on Tuesday and that the Jordan king Abdullah would visit the White House next week.
Speaking to reporters before Trump and Netanyahu media conference, Waltz said the size of the damagegs in Gaza has created a challenge for those in the North. He said rehabilitated by the warfare of Gaza would take more than 10 years, as the parts were determined to explore and stay over the bee juice. “At some point, we should be truthful, and how to record Gaza? What is the timeline?” We considered the most unrealistic minutes.
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