Bridgett Philliplon thinks you know better than successful head teachers

The Headteacher Katharine BirbalSingh said the Bridget Phillplon ‘is not interested in “the Mchuela Community School successful.
Speaking of GB matters, Katharine Birbalsing: “Schools raise my own standards that the country’s tables are like Pisa, and the countryside is now considered the lead in the terms of the last 15 years.
“All these changes occurred 10 years ago and a half, making schools, obligations for that success.
“We get 800 guests a year that you put out from all the world, and so the best schools in England is because of the amazing work we do, because of our freedom.
“That is what makes Academy. The school leaders have the freedom that allowed them to give betpoke and directed to their community.
“Bridget Philliplon will now take such libraries away from our studies, making them schools.
“So when he said, ‘schools’, but, at the same time, we removes freedom from the lessons that make them lessons, they actually turn it into lessons.
“So it’s not just true, she doesn’t like schools.
“[The meeting] He was very disappointing. He would not call a single higher quality to visit. He said the history of his visit was a public knowledge, and you can find it. I can’t find it.
“I don’t know what school has ever been, and I don’t know why he just fails to say, ‘I’ve been in the top schools.’ I think it’s because he never visited any high schools.
“He appeared to be proud of the fact that he was coming to schools, I had no problem with him in terms of those schools.
“But I’ve sought three times to come and see Michaela. Why would you never see what we do and learn from what we do?
“My pin, who was with me, said that last year, we got 52% of small distances, and how the ETT received 53% of 53 grades.
“He said, ‘Tell me, what did you do right? Was it your christmas, because he was known as the strongest rainbow? Are your prices?’
“It wasn’t interested in everything in what we do and we get is what those important ideas can be released from all schools.
“We talked about the curriculum, and said that it was ‘a rainbow, not a fence.’
“And I said, ‘What school don’t we meet the basic curriculum and don’t give important lessons to children?’ He couldn’t say that the school was, because I can’t believe the school exists.
“All schools give a lower lower curlist. So what’s the problem trying to fix it?
“What he wants match all the school program, held by the Great Government.
“Because he, such as the secretary of education, best knows what my children need Them, and I disagree with him.
“We have 120 children attending our school every year.
“I said to him, ‘What would you say to your mother who wishes to get 100 places to help that school that’s not very good. What do you say to the woman?’
“Yes, the answer he gives it was completely insufficient. There is no other answer. You reduce the number of places in good schools.
“The point is that these ideas apply to everyone. To have good discipline in your school work for everyone. To have the teacher lead to learning everyone.
“I understand that different installation is different, and this is why I’m arguing. But there are some practical foundations.
“And the only way you can find those basic things that everywhere does not tell people what we should do in the big government, so they feel the commitment and ownership in their schools, and they can’t answer to what they bring.
On the other hand, if we all make us the same way, there is no accountability and no sense of commitment. “