Higher American Opportunity Officer says that Trump makes an illegal attempt

Commissioner of Federal Options Delivery Commission
On the Post Office in X, Weinstraub has attached Jan 31 book signed by Trump: “During this time it is removed as a member of a medical, successful commission.”
Since taking Office last month, Trump, Republican, started a large government, shooting and relieving hundreds of people and senior officials in his first to reduce the bureaucracy and to include many faithful ones.
Received a letter from the Potus today that intends to remove me as a commissioner and chairman of @FEC. There is a law enforcement of repayment of FECs – this is not. I have been lucky to work for Americans and raise some good problem on the way. That doesn’t change anytime soon. Pic.Twitter.com/7voecn2vpj
“Legal form of returning FEC commissioners,” Wetraub, Democrat, said in his post, add “this.”
“I have been lucky to work for Americans and raise some good problem in the way. That doesn’t change at any time soon.”
FEC has more than 300 jobs, with six Commissioners on top. FEC’s Vice-Chairman, James Traingor, is the Republic.
Weintrauuuub has served as a Commissioner in the FEC since 2002, according to the FEC Website. It says “serve as a fixed voice campaign for financial campaign and steady disclosure.”
FEC commissions are appointed by the President and confirmed by US Senate.
Officially, no more than three Commissioners can represent the same political party, and at least four votes are required at any legal commission, the FEC website means website for the FEC.