Snylie Kaufman produces 2 guns of all amateur needs

PGA Tour Dress and Honest journalist Sylie Kaufman says these are two common features was the struggle of amateurs.
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If you want to lower your scores, learn from the person who was there would make all the difference. Think about it as indicators – You can want to be led by a person who knows the streets and chases before.
Somebody like Snylie Kaufman, winner of PGA Tour and trusted in the NBC sports reporter. With Kaufman’s knowledge and the understanding of the expert, qualifies to clarify golf advice on the Amateurs who want their game – and joined a few words of understanding when we entered him by the 202 show. PGA.
In this video above, Kaufman has shown two game areas Amateurs can look very much: Bunker rifle and place. These blind places can call the strokes in the course, but with kaufman’s advice you can change the way you practice and eventually break your goals barrier.
According to Kaufman, most of the amateurs played in the struggle for the Pro-ams struggle for their short game, especially their bunker shots. He says spending more time-focused on your base from the sand can be a difference between a shooting of three digits and breaking 90.
“I slept my teeth when I saw a square squubface in Bunker,” Kaufman said. “Just to see how to play in the sand and have good speeds [with putting] – That’s the easiest way, if you are 100 shooter, to happen to the 90s. If you have a good speed of vegetables and you know how to get out of the sand, I feel that it is decreased in some machines. “
Improving your speed is a quick way to reduce three Putts. Not only for your first tubs approaching a pit, but you will have more confidence in your second Puttt, key over those 4-footer.
While not surprising that the Teurers fought their short game, knowing exactly where to focus. By dedicating more time to respect your speed in the greens and your bunker plan, you will be better equipped (and more confident) when you meet these rifles in the course.
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