The largest shooting in Sweden’s history leaves outgoing society on the edge

In the middle of a beautiful, OREBRO, Swedish church, Jacob Kaselia, Orthodox priest, looked up at wind windows over him, and he went down to his hands. And he prepared the cross of gold hanging on his neck.
“The police said that the man did himself,” said the priest. “But this hatred is from somewhere.
A member of Kaselman, Salim Newf, was among former execution on Oterebro on Tuesday at the Swedish school shooting and the great shooting in the country’s history. The gun killed 10 students at the learning center and then.
Among the dead are Syrians and Bosnians, they are citizens and agents of the countries, but Oterebro police did not give the details of the victims.
Kaselia describes the iskef as kind and thoughtful, willing to help other members of the public. He arrived in Sweden and his mother and sister, a priest, said – the refugees of Aleppo, where his father was killed. Ischef was learning Sweden at Bisberggska School, the target of Tuesday.
The priest said: “He was simply a good man.” He did not seek trouble. Showed only goodwill. He was a member of our society. “

The night after attacks, Kaselia was inhabited by Iskf’s family to comfort.
Ischef was also involved because he married this summer. FIANCEEEE KARENCE Elia, 24, “the priested,” the priest said, and he “developed a very difficult experience and the darkest.
In the Memorial service in Oterebro on Thursday night, Elia broke up the nose and tears and was made.
During the days from the shooting, there has been amazing shortage of information from management. On Thursday night, police had never confirmed the man – the Swedish Media reported to be Arckard Andersson in a 35-year-old man – any details of his motive or his victims.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, within 24 hours after attacks, police said the shooter that appeared in any vision. On Thursday, Anna Bergkvist, earning a police investigation, seemed to go by a statement.
“Why do they say that, I cannot comment,” tell BBC. “We look for different motives and will announce where we have.”

Sweden police are often aware of the suspects during an investigation, but the absence of the official information has contributed to the state of fear and uncertainty between Oterebro communities in the past few days.
“We find out all our media information and I do not know why,” Noodeni said, 36, who was inside the school of Warbergtreamka where the attack was held.
“We need more details,” he said. “Do we don’t know why, why he was heading for the school? Did he get sick or was something?”
Aram was waiting to get into the classroom when he heard people complain that there was a shooter – something that is unbelievable thought was in Prank.
“We started running and heard,” he said. “First of the beginning, then Tak Tak Tak – probably ten shots. I was afraid of my heart to stand on my chest.”
Aram, who had sent Syria to Syria in Syria in a child, said he was first to send his three children at school in Sweden.
Zaki Aydin, a 50-year-old teacher of Oterebro, said he was scared of his early disciples, most of their Middle East. “We are strangers, we must be careful now,” he said.
Aydin used to have his classroom departments and the construction of the church opened in his teaching. He said: “Now we close,” he said. “And yesterday I asked someone to stand without to protect anyone he could not know.”

One of the students at school, 18-year-old Gabriel, said that the “great night has come true with orbro.
“The problem is that we have no idea, only guess,” he said. “Many people who are in my years are afraid to go to school, feeling like Sweden has become a American. What you do not see on television happened here.”
If no legal issues about the motivation, all who live here in Oterbro know that the killer seemed to be a busy white man and watched a large school for the patterns of the world.
Tomas Poletti Lundstrom, UPPSALA University education researcher
“Don’t really hear everywhere, it affects everyone,” said Lundstrom. “We do not know the motives of shochers, but we are living in a time to discriminate and this is a many immigrant school.”
The shooting similar to the “effect on our society looks at the moment, our politicians talking about, and how we talk about one another”, how it means. “This happens when politicians talk about how they speak right now.”

At the door closed by the Risbergska Department of School in the morning on Thursday morning, people blocked the flow of flowers, light candles, or simply to stand at the scene. From the street, you can clearly see the front door where the killer has been included from class in class in class.
Among those who have come alone and stand for a while collection and flowers was the Mayor of the city, John Johanjan, who was legalized on the prime minister and wife and on the road to work on Thursday to pay his respect.
“I hope the police will find the ends soon,” Joansson said. “The City requires answers, our society needs answers, and victims need to know why this has happened.”
But it was not the time to “break up or running ahead”, he said. “We do not want to contribute to any rumors lying, so we hope that the police will find answers early.”
Tony Estroem, a seller from Eskilsytuna, about 80km from Oterebro, also stopped school on Thursday morning. “This kind of shooting, school, learned about it elsewhere but not in Sweden,” he said.
“It seems that it is a Sweden man, and maybe that’s better than it was the Skeptical.” It is true that is the worst occasion, but we don’t want to add extra gasoline into the fire. “

Police give specific information about their investigation. They say that about 130 police officers answered in total, and to be met “is Infurno” at school. They say they believe that Gunman work alone.
Family members, school friends and neighbors told Sweden’s media that he was just a Kingdom in recent years and may have suffered for mental problems.
There were no complaints about the management of the case. Bosnian Bojan Sosic Amajassador, visited the shooting site, learned citizens that Bosnia was among the dead.
“I find it odd, saying a little, that the police choose to avoid information about foreign citizens from the right dose,” he said.
Some, including members of the Syrian community, said they rely on the police doing something right and hoping to just read it soon. Kaselisa, Orthodox priest of Syria, said that the broad community “does not know what the police are thinking, but we hope they have their own plan”.
Hundreds of people attending Kaspria church on Thursday night from Syria, Turkey, Iraq and other immigration communities. Salim Skef image, one of the victims of shooting, lived in Easeel. Children from the Congregation passed on. ISKEF’s family, sitting in the nearby pattern, was devastated.
It is difficult to understand why these types of attacks occur even if it is known. Without it, it is very confusing. For a few hours before the Memorial service begins, Kaselia was sitting in a pattern in her empty church, trying to be reasonable.
“People die, they are sick, and they are,” he said. “But, how can we understand this? The shooting was killed at school. We couldn’t dream about this. Why can’t we be able to. Why?
There was comfort to hear her police that Gunman worked alone, Kaselessia said. Left a slight concern for another attack.
The priest said: “The man hate one hate, he gathered somewhere,” said the priest. “We cannot say that they are not.”
The additional reporting is the Nkan Chatterjee. Photos by Joel Gunt.
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