The center issues Rs 1.11 Lakh Crore-Free-Free Loan to interest in April-January

The center has released Rs 1.11 Lakh Croreal Mool at the end of April-January under a specialized study program, said Finance Minister Pankaj Chaudhary said on Monday.
In the 2024-25 budget, Ninmala Sitharaman financed and issued unemployed budgets used for major costs, provincial provinces. The allocation was sent to Rs 1.5 Lakh Crore, up from the invisibility of Rs 1.10 Lakh Crore made by 2023-24.
In the written reply in Lok Sabha, Chaudhary said under this program to receive special financial assistance, a loan assistance that cost Rs 1.22 Lakh Crore until January 31.
In this case, approximately Rs 1.11 Lakh Crore has been issued in Chaudhary coming out of total RS 1.50 LAKh Crore, RS 55,000 Crore Under Part – III-Scheme are not mentioned. This amount is assigned to the provinces equally equal to their average tax returns in terms of the 15th financial 15 financial commission.
The remaining amount of RS 95,000 crore is integrated between changes in certain Citicout Centric and takes certain projects such as the development of international visitors; The motive for old car sorts; encourage industry growth.
According to information, high provinces arrive so far from FY24 Bihar (Rs 11.5,522 Crore), followed by Uttar Pradesh (RS 10,725 crore).