Business News

The cost of income income tax expires in western London

Traders west of London missed £ 640 million in the sale last year because of the removal of free shopping for international guests, according to new research.

Statistics from the new company in ND, representing businesses in the district, revealed that the lost income from tourists increased from £ 400 million in 2023, highlighting the ongoing impact of the transformation of the government policy change.

Analysts notice that while the UK consumers are used in the West END retailers fall at 2.2 percent during the Kenkeemba-December tourist trading, the use of international guests. Embroiling was largely driven by a powerful need from German tourists, Americans, and Saudi Arabia.

The company in the western ED has charged the blue data worldwide, a free tax shopping company, indicating that sales sales in Europe is held by 16 percent in November and 20 percent in December. Unlike the UK, most European countries provide traveling visitors to 20 per Cent Feel Feel Feel to buy, reduce higher spending and giving a continuous continent in London.

The maintenance government has hit illegal purchases for international guests on January 2021, when the decision would have no “any key economic effects.” However, the latest figures show the opposite, the West EXercing entities warned that London loses shopping centers in Paris, Milan and Madrid.

“Redulating in some countries are still under the first rates of the epidemic, the lack of the UK strategy

They added that when local consumer spending is under pressure, international tourists reflect an unproductive opportunity for economic growth. “In the face of a continuous pressure of spending a household, the policy environment must arise quickly to support the intensity of the business and reasonable growth.”

Despite the expensive consumer spending, the latest data from the British Retail Consortium and KPMG suggests possible 2,6 percent in January – Great at least two years. A separate study from the Barclays House has found that the use of $ 2.7 percent, with a strong need for health and beauty products.

Dee Corsisi, the Chief Executive Officer in the New West West Emple, warned that the economic crisis and a lack of action continues to promote growth. “Economic Challenges and Intertia policy holds us. Geographical tourists are willing to spend time with the lease, but without a strong tourism plan, we lose our competitors who are working.”

Jamie young

Jamie is a higher journalist in business matters, bringing ten years of experience in UK SME Business Buya. Jamie holds a graduation from business management and participates regularly in industrial conferences and workshops. When you do not report the latest business development, Jamie loves to advise updated journalists and businessmen to encourage the next generation of business leaders.

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