How Giyadino Found the Novel in Caravaggio ‘Seven Mercy Acts’

In 1817, while visiting Florence, Stendhal was taken by an aggressive heart fat after leaving the Bruzyelle Chapel in Santa Crace Church. He wrote in his book, Naples and Florence: The journey from Milan to Regigio: “I was always afraid to fall down.” In 2018, at Umffozi, the visitor was standing in front of the Bottllelli’s The birth of Vinus and suffered a heart attack. A few years earlier, the Italian psychiatrist Grazielle Macherini corrected the situation, and he named it Seasendhal Syndrome – a problem with disorderly problems suffer from Florence while looking at the good works of art. In Greek, the word word means to meet.
With the novel, Caravaggio Syndrome (Now is now available in English several printing Italy), three historian Leyla, his querist, Michael and the Utosepher Tommaso Campanella drawing – Seven Mercy Acts. Leyla carries the books of Camanella as “amulet,” and Michael joins its love for the painting with Pablo, his child’s father. Campaneella’s writings influenced cultural nature at the beginning of the 17th century, and Caravaggio’s Mercy Painting was sent by an organized NAples to stolen Campanella’s philosophy’s beliefs. The magic is therefore woven throughout the book: The storm of love, the Mystery, the Mystery, a natural magic, dreams, amazing, repentance and fullness. It is a physical and spiritual test, baroque and subrime, Amori and pure, light and darkness. Since Caravaggio’s paintings illuminate the two provinces, and Campanella examined his Scriptures during his 27 years, so make other characters face their souls.
Caravaggio drawings are based on historical events, but his intelligence sets out these events alive. Natural light, blank space, deep black void, red blood, absorption and immersion, erupts between artwork and spectator. His paintings are work. You stand before them and be transferred to their deeper power.
“All painting details opened the gate another universe …” said Lyla at one time, asking if “the same conclusion has become a tommasy Campanella.” From his cell in jail, Campanella was secretly teaching the man who had sent to Caravaggio, now sentenced to death. Michael, a third helper in the November, looks at a drawing from the ancient, high and powerful Mastona.
In addition to the information that the writer, Alessandro Giardino, creates a rich country in detail by respecting the good and widespread knowledge of Caravaggio services. The Professor of National Assemen, Culture & Mysteria Santarence University, was born at the University of Bologna, UC Berkillian and McGill University. The Carvaggi-cultural gatherings are closely recorded the Tircles and Italian and French books.
In a series of conversations, we talked Caravaggio SyndromeCaravaggio’s work and Giardino’s health as a scholarship.
How did this book come about?
It happens naturally as a large number of internal intentions, and writing the novel seem to be the only reasonable thing to do. I wanted to do my research found in big viewers, especially the critical findings of one of the most famous articles in Caravaggio. I also wanted to combine syntactactical music and Lexical of today’s books while keeping the pace and visual appearance of the cinema. And it was a challenge of languages. I am Italy, teaching in English and, at home, I speak French.
Why choose to focus Seven Mercy Acts?
It is a greater graphic because of its significant qualities. Faunting truth – even Wikipedia consider the expert in this drawing! This work has been a person mine for several reasons. First, it is an exception to the unique minute of changing between Renaissance and Baroque, where the Divigent reports of two times meets, resulting in the first examination and is impossible to repeat. Second, it works as an attractive example of the caravaggio variations, especially his union of various cultures viewing and text. You are from ancient old and the old hagiography in the renewal of Renissance while at the same time indicating the 17th-century Liplople life.
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In Seven Mercy ActsThe deception for Caravaggio’s surfing of the light passed beyond the traditional chiaroscuro. He examines natural light within the things – before Giorgio Morandi – and waiting for photographic strategies. The diagram holds great historical importance. Or the Caravaggio was in Rome, his unique way became the last index of the changing school of painting.
His painting style was between Renaissance and Baroque. Neo-HE HAVE. The transition movement. The renewal was based on Bible text and followed past examples. Baroque opened Science and the JESUS. In the first three decades of 1600s, the Naples Art change because of the Caravaggio. The art of all weeks, and it was a movement of musicians. Pagans and Nands were paintings, bringing a viewer to the picture than ever.
What do you think about the book now?
I still imagine it as painting and doing well. Well done, I don’t say the talent – either ludicron to comment on my talent – but instead of the devotion to each sentence and chapter. The novel is not only around the Caravaggio painting but also works as a caraven diagram on its right hand, as much as the Gucino painting paint. The book includes Caravagggio’s oscillation style between SUBLIME and the Sordid, and his ability to work across different historical periods, crashing them into a symbolic stage.
What is the answer in the book?
The students noted with its search and extra waste. And as expected, students adhere to different sectors. Thank you how this book has received the niche reading between art historians worldwide. I am very satisfying for its acceptance to the LGBTQ community, where it seems to provide an awareness of today’s Queeer veers nominates to their ownership and political behavior. After two years after its publication in Italy, the book continues to circulate and sells by word of mouth. I love that this happened after I left the social media and was not visible in the world.
Who are your favorite authors and singers?
This This page An impossible question – as little as asked about your favorite food. The authors I have learned deeply about Giorgio Bassani, Françoise Sagan and Morguerite Yurcenar. I talked to them too much on how religious people can communicate with the holy ones who love them. It is funny that several critics liken my writing and Michael Cunningham Namberno Eco. I’ve been receiving the novels of ECOs too much for my taste. In the book, I purposely avoided the display of ERUDIME. That is a challenging work in the face of historic, philosophical and art research.
Do you work in another book?
Yes, I am currently working in a second van when French Libertine goes back to France after the absence. Like my first novel, it will include historical fiction in modern record. While the students can see my voice as a writer or penchant with speculation, the new novel will focus on the self-repentance of the French community, in a tonight commonly prominent in Satire Satire.
What takes your thoughts these days?
I just got a Garzanti volume on the title La Cucina: Italian District Cooking. It has two thousand “comments true.” As I am in a dilemma till August, I plan to try at least half of its historic variations.