Solver arrested by the murder of Palm Beach County Package

The man was arrested on the matter of deputy repair was shot dead in South Florida last week.
Kevin Benette, 32, was arrested on Thursday and was charged with the first murder, according to Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Palm Beach County Sheriff.
The Basil Powell deputy basil potell “was addressed and attacked while returning home” last week Glade.
Description Deputy Service That Is Not Working in Work in “Arms”: “We Are Concerned”
Basil Powell has been identified by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and the victim of “target”. (Palm Beach County Sheriff
Security safety was found from home showing a powell and her 5-year-old daughter from their car and walking to the front door. It was then when the gun approached about 25 feet after and settled him.
“When he came out of his car, he was expelled immediately,” said SheriffF office.
Powell then threatens his approaching daughter, according to court documents.
“It is family here so when we lose a partner of the agency, everyone takes it hard,” Bradshaw said.

The man was arrested on the matter of deputy repair was shot dead in South Florida last week. (Fox News)
He said the suspect was no violent, “and a long list of past cases from battery, a growing battery, theft, domestic violence, domestic violence with false arrest.
“If you have a violent person, they don’t care. Looking at them. .
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The Basil Powell Deputy Basil Powell “is addressed and monitored while returning home” on Monday night to belle Glade.
Bradshaw says the motive is clear.
“The Powell’s (Powell) girlfriend is a former girl of the suspect,” Bradshaw said. “I think he was very angry with that and he was upset that he decided to kill our pin. … The motives are not difficult to find here.”
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During the news conference, Sheriff took the time to honor the detainees involved.
“Work day and night,” Bradshaw said. “Most of them did not even go on sleep. They put a great witness to seeing. So I gave my clothes to them. It was a difficult first offense.”
He says this is the fourth depths lose within 90 days.
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