Home elections and national ideas: Books
Choose a Kitty School committee member sharing your values
Feb. 12 – In the Organizer:
Dear Kitty residents,
On March 11, there will be a special election of the open seat of the school committee. This election will be at the City Hall (8 to 8 PM). Incoming votes are available now in the city hall. There are three students who rushed the chair and encouraging you to learn about March 6 at 6 PM nightmares, held by Traip Academy.
As a long-term quarter of the kitteny, I am proud of our schools! Directing our work The statement “Vision 2030.” This idea, as well as important beliefs, forms the basis of making decisions around the curriculum, education and evaluation, experts, advice and support programs, and the allocation of services in our schools. Before Voting on March 11, please take time to think about these important beliefs and consider how to support them by choosing strong school committees. It is far more important than ever to participate in the domestic elections that focus on the standards and priorities in our children.
Basic belief 1- Equality, diversity, installation, social justice. The Kittery School District is a respectful community, heritage, and welcomes all people. We strive to create a member of being a member of all members of the community by looking for diversity, to pursue equality, and the number of different things lived among us.
Basic belief 2 – Relationship and Public. We believe in the importance of building strong, good relationships between our school, our community, our country, and our world. Home and international resources are used, aims to provide students with collective and connected opportunities.
Basic belief 3- curriculum & command. We believe in the right curriculum for students and reflect the ideas of diver and experiences. Working together and adapting, we strive to equip students to cultivate the feeling of ownership, empathy, and nationalism.
Basic belief 4 – a perfect child. We believe that it is our responsibility to meet the needs of the education and communities of the social education of all students. We encourage stability, flexibility, flexibility, growth, and compassion so that all students feel useful.
Basic belief 5 – Skills referred to in the planning of educational growth that shows psychological growth to prepare for successful success students for successful Success. Involves students in the development and guidance of their education.
Katie paternell
Kittery, Maine
Letter to Editor
Peter Missich: The Chairperson of the Vice Chairperson of Portsmouth Democtic Committee
Feb, 13 – On the Organizer:
Portsmouth Democrats will hold caucus election on February 20, 6:30 PM congratulating to select the committee managers for the next two years. I work with the position of opposition to the chairperson because I want to reorganize our committee and share our Portsmouth community. This is especially required after Donald Trump’s elections. We need to resist the resistance of our American prices, but also because they receive the election, we will not allow a new President to succeed happiness and enjoy our lives.
I have political information about democratic committees in the city of Republic and democracy. I moved to PortSmouth 25 years ago I appear in Amherst (NH), where I worked for 4 years as a group seat. After moving to PortSmouth, I served on a democratic committee, including 4 years as a seat and worked as a state representative for 6 years. Because the current committee was not compatible with any important events in 2024), I joined 5 Portsmouth committees and helped plan democracy and “Coffee and DEMS”. We will need that kind of power on our Committee in the next 2 years.
If you are a registered democratic vote in PortSmouth, you can register to vote and / or run at the office by sending an email to: Portsmouthnhemes@gmail.com.
If you have questions please contact me: Phone. 603-436-5382 or Peter.Sommission@gmail.com
Peter Missich
The Earth sees our hypocrisy
Feb. 13 – In the Organizer:
Trump says he will find “a Gaza. Not to purchase a Gaza but the bouts are a hijacker? .
Don’t fool them that these Presidents are different regarding human rights. Do not think that most of our DRM representatives are human rights supporters of human rights as most of the biggest means a small prevention or acknowledging that Israel is a situation. How many of these are the “leaders” who speak of the pressure from Israel, murder, land holding (captivity of landscapes? How many of you do they even pay attention? Do you care about America? Perhaps start caring for other people on earth. Perhaps they care for our tax dollars used to continue oppression. The world sees our hypocrisy. Harris was lost in a large part because people saw his hypocrisy.
Donna parre
Your voice has been heard of a concort
Feb. 17 – In the Organizer:
Your voice is heard in Concord!
Are you full of national news? Local government is also important! Our soldiers at the NH are in their committees now and work in many debt that affects our communities. You can have a voice in these costs in terms of person or using a testimony tool online to move your opposition or support. Make sure, no debt deficit you may be interested in. Here is the essential to practice now!
HB 714, the passing would ensure that NH NH are providing access to accessors to all candidates. All candidates will be organized in one main vote. Top 2 and moves forward in normal elections. The program provides voters to select more, the winners have comprehensive votestas, and will help reduce distribution. The bill is the result of a new citizen of the thoughts of the tank and a lot of research, Kudos to them! One basic ballot was very important as the NH was to start the nation to vote and we want our word to be heard from the whole nation.
Can’t go to the date of hearing? Go far from this link! The information you need: HB 714, the Executive Committee for the election election, Feb 18 at 1PM. I encourage you to use this tool – you will love how easy your voice will sound all day. Our posters are selected to respond to what you want … let’s go on!
Cheri Bach
We humans are the end of the defense
Feb. 13 – In the Organizer:
Please wake up America! In the Republic that voted, Trumped while he did not believe that he would do what he said – you were not fooled? Have you ever believed all lies? Do you deliberately call you? You don’t want to know the truth? And in Democrats – Do you really care? Do you read across the inheritance of the estate? Do you realize how old men are still threatened and continues?
Congress uses the planet – given all its rights organized in the Constitution, and is no longer employed. This is an internal scene – the program and is simple. The President has no right to terminate organizations that will eliminate the indicator of the Congress Thru River process. Often, the rules are broken and no action or speaking without continuing the elected Boo representatives of Boo Boo (they have very different late).
The Treasurer is now managed by Musk Muskrats “as they call themselves. These are children who think the code controls the world and controlling the code. They are in charge of as a “Bad Ass” and to the Systems Office to reset the systems that release your tax dollars. A study of cancer? No. Any health-related research? No.Fr be help for disaster? Not. Press FREE? Nope – they bowed down a tyranny. The latest cancellation AP from White House because they used the correct word – Mexico Gulf. They now follow NPR and PBS to maintain some relief. For how long?
To date, Trump and Musk have neglected all the judicial ways provided to courts. Even the American Bar has called this – a Deach Knell to the rule of law. It is true of another fact that supports the click.
Therefore I now carry Congress, justice, and law rule at all levels, as well as the treasure, and nothing but the army. And look at the pentagon to stop it.
Put everything up – please! We live in a stake – to take illegality of our government. This – business as usual. This is illegal management throughout history.
And you’ve seen who was the speaker at the media conference in the Oval office? Not the President. Or not the selected President presented. Yes – you got it. The Mastermind of the Asever Asever. The one who closes everything we depend on our health and our economic life.
We need to talk and tell the truth – now. See all in this book yourself. Everything is there and more. We humans are the end of the defense – and we need to get up and take action. Now!
Wait Cunningham
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This article appeared at the beginning of Portsmouth Herald: Home Options and National Visories: Books
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