Indie semiiconductor, Inc. (Field) reports the loss of Q4, the highest income estimates
Indie semiiconductor, Inc. (Field) came out of a $ 0.07 quarterly losses associated with the limitations of zacks comensus. This is compared to loss of $ 0.01 for each share last year. These figures are adjusted for non-repetitive things.
The last quarter, was expected that the company would send loss of $ 0.09 for each assignment when you actually released the loss of $ 0.09, submission it is not enough.
In the last four camps, the company could not pass the estimate of EPS ratings.
Indie semiConductor, Zaks Electronics – the semiconductors industry, $ 58.01 million in December 2024, passing up estimates Zaks Consensus estimates 0.13%. This compares to revenue for $ 70.13 million. The company has a synchronization money balance two times in the last four areas.
Sustainability of the fast-speed pricing from the recently released numbers and future expectations will depend largely on management in the Relings Call.
Indie semiicoes semiicuttors add nothing from the beginning of the year compared to the profit of S & P 500 of 4.5%.
While the Indie semiicumutor has empowered markets so this year, the question coming into the mind of the investors is: What are next to the stock?
There are no easy answers to this important question, but one reliable measure can help investors to deal with this view by the company. It is not that this includes expectations for the current number of quarterly (or), but also that this expectation has changed recently.
Powerful study shows strong connection between the nearest stock movement with ingredients in the leading test. Investors can track such reviews themselves or rely on the measuring tool and testing assessed as zacks positions, which contains a fascinating track of the ability to integrate rates.
Forward in this release of earnings, an estimate estimate of Indie Semiconductor: mixed. While the extent and the direction of measurement review may change after the receipt of the newly disposal report, the current status translates the stock level. Therefore, stocks are expected to act in accordance with the market in the near future. You can see the complete list of today’s Zacks # 1 level (solid purchase) here.
It will be fun to see if the balance of the coming places and the current financial change in the coming days. Current measure to allow EPS – $ 0.06 for $ 61.99 million for next quarter and – $ 0.08 million for $ 303.06 million for millions of current year.
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